Monday, October 27, 2008

Are you dieting or focusing on lifestyle changes?

There are negative connotations associated with the word "diet," and perhaps this is justified. When you think of dieting, you might envision starving yourself and depriving your body of everything you like to eat, such as sweets, greasy food and carbonated beverages. But the fact is that you should be avoiding these foods anyway, and focusing instead on eating healthful foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains. When you look at your diet as more of a lifestyle change rather than a temporary program, it becomes easier to manage.

The South Beach Diet is perhaps one of the most famous diet plans to be introduced to the U.S. marketplace. The reason it was so popular was because it structured a sensible diet program that functions like a normal lifestyle. You don't have to give up carbs outright -- just for the first two-week period. And then you can reintroduce the right carbs such as fruits and whole grains. The final phase enables you to take control of your eating habits without feeling like you are inhibiting yourself in any way. This sure beats the restrictive fad diets out there.

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