Monday, October 13, 2008

Being misinformed about weight loss plans

A good diet plan ought to incorporate not only nutritious foods but also reduced caloric intake in general. This is because of the old rule that you need to burn more calories than you consume (through exercise), but if you're eating 2,500-plus calories a day then you're likely to go nowhere fast. But how can we do this the right way, instead of wandering aimlessly through the sea of weight loss products?

FatLoss4Idiots is a diet plan that is supposed to use the idea that it is not the quantity of calories consumed that matters, but the quality. That is, the company says we should change up the source of our calories so as to "trick" the body into boosting the metabolic rate and burning fat. While it is certainly nice to hear that we could lose 9 pounds in 11 days, I'm not sure that this approach is scientifically sound.

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