Monday, October 13, 2008

Do you know where your ingredients come from?

Many of us stop short of making sure that a supplement we're looking at contains high-quality ingredients, as opposed to considering where the ingredients actually come from. A good weight loss formula will feature proven dietary agents such as Hoodia Gordonii, which has been proven to suppress the appetite. However, as more and more companies have caught on to this "miracle" substance, the quality of the sources has become compromised.

Unfortunately, there is only a handful of supplements whose Hoodia content is authentic and as potent as the real thing. At Hoodia, for instance, we learn that the Hoodia comes straight from southern Africa, where tribesmen are said to have used the plant-based extract for ages. It has also been extracted to be about 20 times more potent than the industry standard, according to reports. That's far more than can be said for the vast majority of Hoodia supplements.

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