Monday, October 20, 2008

Boosting energy levels without over-stimulation

If you have weak energy levels, you will probably find it is hard to reach your weight loss goals. That's because most sensible weight loss plans involve at least some form of exercise, in addition to a healthful diet and some supplementation. You need to sustain relatively high energy levels if you want any chance at working out on a regular basis, especially for cardiovascular exercises -- which is the key for burning fat.

You can find many supplements that promise to boost energy levels as well as to burn more fat, but many of these products are likely to be based on a lot of stimulants; this is not good. For instance, one of the supplements you might want to think twice about using can be found at, where you learn that the formula contains Green Tea and other stimulants. While you might achieve a burst of energy from all the Caffeine, you will also experience crashing and jitters.

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