Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Help: My hunger is out of control!

It is nothing to be ashamed of to have an uncontrollable appetite, especially these days where restaurants and others in the food industry are promoting all kinds of tasty food options. It really is hard to resist eating that burger or slice of pizza you're craving at lunchtime, though you would do better by opting for healthier alternatives. That is the problem many dieters are facing: They know they should be reducing their caloric intake, and they want to, but they can't seem to suppress their hunger.

That's why a supplement based on proven appetite suppressants such as Hoodia Gordonii Extract are so useful. A supplement like Hoodia P57 is said to be even greater because it contains 20 times the potency of the Hoodia typically seen in comparable products. Hoodia, of course, is a nice choice because it contains a molecule called P57, which signals to the brain that the body feels full -- even when little or nothing has actually been eaten. Hoodia has long been used by tribesmen in southern Africa to keep hunger in check, so you know it is not a gimmick.

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