Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nutritional formulas vs. weight-loss-specific supplements

Many Americans take some type of supplement to boost their overall health and wellness, or perhaps to promote weight loss, among other reasons. The typical person might take a multivitamin or another nutrient-rich formula, whether it is because a doctor recommended it or because he or she would like to be more health-conscious.

One of the more popular supplements to come around is Flax Seed Oil, which can be found in many forms but is commonly available in tablet and capsule form. This natural extract comes from the Flax Seed, which is supposed to be native to the Western Canadian prairies, and is rich in numerous nutrients.

It is a good source of B-vitamins as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered the "good" fats to protect heart health. However, while it certainly couldn't hurt to take a supplement like this, I don't see it doing anything meaningful for weight loss support; it doesn't suppress appetite or help burn fat.

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