Monday, November 10, 2008

Testing dietary formulas before buying them

It used to be a luxury to be able to try a dietary supplement before buying it, but today there seem to be more companies making such offers. That's not to say, however, that there is an abundance of products backed by free sample offers out there, but you can find some high-quality weight loss supplements from reputable companies if you know where to look -- and what to look for.

A good supplement should contain an appetite suppressant such as Hoodia as well as a potent fat burner like Advantra-Z. A supplement called Hot Rox Extreme is on the market as capable of doing both -- suppressing appetite and burning fat -- but I'm not sure the formula is equipped to do this. The most prominent ingredient appears to be Caffeine, which is not a great sign. Also, the lack of a free sample offer is concerning, especially for those who are risk-adverse.

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