Thursday, November 13, 2008

Total lifestyle changes for weight loss

One of the biggest mistakes dieters can do on their journey to lose weight and keep it off is to overlook the importance of balance -- balance in their nutritional habits, in making sure to exercise regularly and taking the right kinds of natural supplements. There are many things you can do to ensure you're on top of this.

For instance, you could check out one of the many books, Web sites and other resources that hope to serve as a guide for the above needs. A book authored by Dr. Mercola, called the "Total Health Program," is advertised as one of the most comprehensive reads out there for weight loss and general health.

While it is great that the author chooses to cover so much ground with this book, many dieters may find that they are getting lost in the sea of information in which they are thrown into. The author makes a connection between obesity and disease, which makes sense, but I wish there was more practical advice.

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