Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Scare tactics to promote weight loss

Millions of Americans go on diets every year, but the problem is that millions more come off the diets sooner than they would like to. This is typically because of a lack of structure, focus and dedication, but it is also because many dieters are in the dark about what it is they need to do to reach their goals. For instance, not many dieters are doing the three essential things necessary for long-term weight loss: proper nutrition, exercise and natural supplementation to help reinforce the effects of the dieting and fitness components.

Dr. Mercola has a diet program out that claims to offer comprehensive support for dieters who wish to not only shed the pounds, but keep them off. The program is supposed to include tips on how to make your weight loss goals a lifestyle change, as opposed to fad diets that most dieters are dabbling with. The book says that there is a strong relationship between obesity and disease, which indicates to me that the author is using scare tactics. This might not be a horrible approach, but I would appreciate some more practical advice to point me in the right direction.

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