Thursday, May 22, 2008

Come on! Work those abs!

You've just got to have toned, sexy, cut abs today or you're behind the times, right? How many ab-centric exercise machines are out there, all of which are marketed as better than the competition? Too many to count.

Ab Rail is just one in a long line of ab machines advertised towards men and women with hopes of washboard abs in as little as 10 or 15 minutes per day. Of course, the reality is that you can work your abs without the aid of such machines, through crunches and sit-ups, but the companies don't want to tell you that.

Instead, they want you to scoop up this machine, which will set you back hundreds of dollars. Make sure to swing by the many online forums for this product before you pull the trigger, though: The comments ridiculing the product might make you think twice.

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