Sunday, May 18, 2008

Toning your abs in your sleep... OK, maybe not in your sleep

Don't all those ab belts on the market look gimmicky? I mean, how can you get that cut six-pack you've always wanted without breaking a sweat?

These belts supposedly stimulate your muscles without requiring you to raise a finger, let alone do a single crunch or sit-up. Many of these you can wear through the day at work or while lounging around at home, watching TV.

But not all of these products have been well-received. Many may be flimsily built, while others complain of poor customer support. A belt called FlexBelt, on the other hand, seems to have many favorable reviews and success stories on its side.

I'm curious about a week-by-week breakdown of a user's progress. If anyone could supply their testimonial, I'd appreciate it.

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