Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ephedrine: a distant memory

It wasn't long ago that the biggest thing in weight management support was Ephedra, with the wonder-stimulant Ephedrine. Of course, we all know how that story ended, with unpleasant side effects that even included some reported fatalities.

Enter today, where many companies are putting Ephedra-alternatives on the market, claiming to have the next big thing in weight loss supplementation. Many of these alternatives, however, are either jacked up with Caffeine or pumped with other stimulants.

Then there's a supplement found at, which offers a product that contains an all-natural stimulant called Advantra-Z and an appetite suppressant known as Hoodia. This particular supplement seems to be backed by many success stories, which is always a good sign.

Reported side effects? None so far. Of course, those looking for a miracle product to do it all for them are mistaken: Supplementation in and of itself may not be as effective as when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. There are no easy roads to lasting weight loss.

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