Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One-dimensional products are so ... one-dimensional

As our lives get busier and our demands get greater, more and more companies are offering comprehensive nutritional supplements. Even dietary formulas are currently available to meet various needs, whether you want to suppress your appetite and reduce caloric intake, boost energy levels or stimulate your metabolism and burn more fat. Some supplements can address each and every one of these issues.

is a plant-based ingredient that takes on the standardized form of Caralluma Fimbriata. You may have seen this name thrown around on infomercials or maybe picked up on it in a health magazine, but I'm not really convinced that it is the ideal appetite suppressant. It actually hasn't been shown to excel at any one thing, unlike Hoodia Gordonii, which has been proven in clinical studies and a long history of anecdotal reports to be highly effective.

I love having food delivered to me

Food delivery service is one of the best inventions ever in my opinion, although the kinds of foods that are most frequently available for delivery will be bad for you -- pizza and Chinese food, for instance. But these days we are seeing more and more services for people who want to eat healthier and have nutritious, well-balanced foods brought to their doorstep, ready to heat and serve.

For instance, Seattle Sutton is a service that claims to offer a wide range of choices to fit every palate and meet every need, which is a pretty bold assertion. Supposedly, the foods are "simple" and balanced in terms of food-group distribution, which is nice to know. Unfortunately, the company only serves select cities in the U.S., so you might have the short end of the stick if you fall outside the zone.

Is the company's word good?

I don't know about you, but I'm finding it harder and harder to tell these days whether a weight loss product will come through or not. More and more companies are catching on to the wonder that is Hoodia, a natural appetite suppressant that comes from Africa, as well as leading fat burners like Advantra-Z. The problem is that not all formulations that include this ingredients will be complete.

At we see a supplement that is marketed as a magical pill for those who wish to lose weight almost overnight -- with little to no effort on their part. While the specifics of the ingredients seem vague, the company claims you'll see 13 different essential oils. This doesn't seem that promising, and the fact that there is only one positive consumer testimonial on the official Web site concerns me.

Satisfy your sweet tooth and lose weight?

Ever since Hoodia was discovered in the Western world as an effective natural appetite suppressant, we've seen all kinds of strange products hit the market. For instance, you see those meal replacement bars that supposedly contain Hoodia, as well as beverages, taffy chews and even lollipops. But are these products comprised of authentic forms of Hoodia or are they just rip-offs?

Power Pops is a brand of lollipops that are supposed to taste great and still suppress the appetite. According to advertisements, you can supposedly lose weight even while satisfying your sweet tooth, which could bring together the best of both worlds. But while the formula may include Hoodia, it also includes moderate amounts of Caffeine as well as other questionable components. Plus, at $25, the price tag is a bit hefty for lollipops in my opinion.
The option to work out from home might be enticing

For stay-at-home moms or for those who work from home, perhaps as independent contractors, the option of working out at the comfort of one's living room might sound alluring. After all, if we don't have to leave home to get a good cardiovascular workout, why should we, right? Gym memberships can be costly, and other outdoor exercises might invite the risk of injury.

If you're looking for DVD workouts P90x seems to be one of the more heavily marketed at-home workout programs. You can see the late-night infomercials that really talk up this product's potential, though it essentially seems to be very similar to the other video and DVD fitness programs you see out there. This set has 12 workouts, which some say can be too elementary to meet most needs.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Use DVDs but don't depend on them for too long

While many dieters and fitness enthusiasts have been purchasing DVDs and videos to meet their fitness needs at the comfort of their own homes, others prefer to exercise outdoors, whether this means jogging or swimming, or perhaps even cycling. I have found that depending too heavily on at-home workout programs breeds laziness and can really limit your goals and long-term progress.

At Slim in 6 com you learn that the program is created by Debbie Sieber, who promises that anyone can reach their weight loss goals if they just follow the program for six weeks. I like the idea of setting long-term goals, but I am disappointed in the many reports that indicate that the difficulty level of these workouts is fairly low.

When you need immediate results, wrap it up!

Thanks to the fusion between traditional therapeutic practices and modern science, we are now able to support our weight loss goals better than ever before. Supplements are the conventional method of supporting our weight loss and general health goals, and they can be effective when the right ingredients are used. (Hoodia and Advantra-Z lead the pack as of this posting.)

But for those who are short on time and need immediate results, alternative methods have become more popular. For instance, according to numerous reviews Body Wrap is a viable option for those who want to target specific areas of their body that might be suffering from excess fat and cellulite. You simply wrap your body in these therapeutic sheets, just like in the spa, and voila!

Your feet could be the key to successful detox

Believe it or not, you may not have to punish your body with restrictive diet plans and foul-tasting supplements and concoctions in order to detox your body. Some of the more well-documented methods for detoxification include going on a hardcore diet that might include drinking a lemon-based beverage and only that beverage during the course of the program.

But then there are those Foot Patches that have been shown to be capable of cleansing the body without requiring any of these extreme measures. The Cleanse Patch is one of the more intriguing patch-based products, considering it just has to be used for five nights. When all is said and done, reports indicate that the patch will remove the metals and toxins from your system.

Exercise to burn fat, but topical creams can help

If your goal is to burn off as much fat as possible, then you probably know that you have to get as much cardiovascular exercise in as possible. You simply aren't going to shed those pounds if you aren't out there burning off the calories and getting your metabolism revving. Now, there are supplements that can help, and certain topical creams can reinforce your goals.

The Miracle Fat Burning Cream has created waves ever since it hit the market a while ago, with users reporting both near- and long-term improvements in the amount of fat and cellulite being burned off. The formula consists of 100 percent organic ingredients like Aloe Vera and Safflower Nut Oil. This insures that no one will experience any disastrous side effects.

Don't worry about side effects with these formulas

It is a perfectly legitimate concern to worry about side effects when it comes to taking dietary supplements, considering most of the mainstream products are likely to cause adverse reactions. The point of using herbal formulas is to avoid the side effects associated with prescription medications, so I would hate it if I were to experience allergic reactions and other effects with a natural supplement.

Fortunately, those worried about the side effects of MiracleBurn can lay their concerns to rest. The formula contains Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z, two of the most promising dietary agents available today. Hoodia is nature's finest appetite suppressant, with generations of use behind it. Advantra-Z, meanwhile, is the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract at this time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A clearly delineated weight loss program

I am definitely a fan of setting specific ground rules for your weight loss program, but that doesn't mean that you have to stick with one of those restrictive diet plans. These include programs that claim that you have to follow only their guidelines and use their products. There is no one answer to successful weight loss, so be selective about the types of supplements and programs you go with.

RightSize is a program that includes consuming meal replacement shakes, taking certain supplements and going through counseling. While the close watch this company endorses might be some individuals' cup of tea, for most of us it might be too restrictive to suit our tastes. You might be better off just doing the little things, like eating right, exercising regularly and taking an appetite-suppressant- and fat-burner-based supplement.

Biting the bullet doesn't always apply to weight loss

It's true that sometimes you have to accept that you have to make tough decisions in order to lose the amount of weight you want -- and keep it off. For example, you will likely have to resist the urges to scarf down a whole slice of death-by-chocolate cake for your midnight snack; reduced caloric intake is a prerequisite.

However, when it comes to weight loss supplementation you do not necessarily have to put up with adverse reactions to get the most out of your experience. A good formula will actually be effective in suppressing appetite and/or burning fat without causing adverse reactions. Unfortunately, with the pill at My, you might experience explosive diarrhea and anal leakage, among other disturbing effects.

This will not make you thin

Clever marketing is one thing, but companies that take their gimmicky weight loss products seriously is a laughing matter. I'm astounded at the number of supplements, devices, topical formulas and books that are advertised as capable of promoting specific amounts of weight loss practically overnight. Everyone knows true weight loss takes time and careful planning.

"I Can Make You Thin" is a book authored by Paul McKenna, who is not really considered a nutritionist, dietician, physician or other specialist. He actually writes other self-help books, including titles like "Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight" and "I Can Mend Your Broken Heart." Most of the tips in these books are common sense, so I would save my $20 and invest it towards a good supplement.

Picking out the ingredients that make it count

Many dieters overlook a crucial component of any sound weight loss plan: the quality and type of supplement you are using. Don't buy into the hype of some of the products marketed as magic pills, as we all know that no formula short of a miracle can promote overnight weight loss. (Any product that claims to do so is probably a sham, or any weight you lose will be water weight.)

One of the things I love about some of the more specialized dietary supplements is that they contain promising natural ingredients to help suppress appetite and stimulate the metabolism. For instance, in MiracleBurn you will find Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z, two ingredients that have been well-regarded individually but whose synergistic effects are celebrated.

You're in it to win it, aren't you?

Don't ever go into a diet program half-heartedly; you're bound to make mistakes and perhaps even dig a deeper hole than you might have already been in. It's helpful to set specific goals that you know you can reach, and then to execute them. Baby steps are key to getting to where you need to be.

While many of us just want to lose weight, a lot of dieters also want to slim down their waistline and burn fat. Perhaps they also want to get rid of excess cellulite in hard-to-reach areas like the buttocks and thighs. Sure, cardio exercise will help you burn the fat off, but a product like the FlexBelt, an FDA-approved ab-toning belt, can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How effective can accountability be?

Some of us need more accountability than others, but when it comes down to the wire we could all use some support or that extra push to keep us on the right path. That's why many women and men seem to join those weight loss programs that often include counselor-moderated diet and fitness plans. Are these options right for everyone?

Slim 4 Life is one of the many programs you'll come across in your search, but one of the drawbacks of this program might be that it is an entirely in-person program. This means that unless you live by one of the company's three locations in the U.S., you will be out of luck. An online equivalent is not offered by the company at this time, which suggests it is behind the times.

Be side-effect-free with these simple steps

You can't control what kinds of ingredients you will be allergic to or how your body will respond to certain substances, but you can stay on top of the products you choose to put into your body. Education is the first step to becoming a savvy consumer and dieter, which is so important these days as more and more questionable products hit the market.

Some dietary products will cause all kinds of side effects, from mild ones like headache and nausea to more serious ones like oily stools and anal leakage. Fortunately, there are premium weight loss formulas at the higher end of the market that have been proven to be both safe and effective. If you want to avoid side effects Miracle Burn might be a viable long-term option.

Keep your hunger in check with this

It's no easy task to reduce your caloric intake over a long stretch of time, but we all know we have to cut back on calories in order to lose the weight we want. So how are we supposed to accomplish this, if we give in to our cravings every time we come across a cheeseburger or ice cream sundae? Some supplements can help.

Not all weight loss supplements are created equal. From the manufacturing and extraction techniques to the final interactions between company and consumer, some companies have it down pat. A supplement called Hoodia P57, for instance, is regarded for its ability to suppress the appetite and stimulate the metabolism. The company is also respected in the industry for producing quality products.

Slap the patch on your feet and hit the sack

Some of the more interesting weight loss and detox products on the market are both easy to use and effective for immediate and long-term support. This is rare today, where you see countless products that contain questionable ingredients or those that will not offer any substantial support. That's why it helps to be able to trust the company you're buying from.

Unlike most patch-based products, which are constructed flimsily and are marketed by relative unknowns in the industry, a detox patch at appears to have much to offer. Instead of going on a hardcore diet or consuming an unusual supplement, why not let the patch do the work for you? This patch is said to be capable of extracting much of the toxins and metals hampering your system.

Advantra-Z, Hoodia and the rest of the lot

No matter how you cut it, there is a select group of weight loss agents that are way ahead of the pack in terms of near- and long-term promise. Some dietary aids might help out for a few days or a week, but it's the formulas that come through time and time again that are truly worth looking into. Of course, a good product will spare you any adverse side effects.

If you swing by you'll find one of the more intriguing weight loss supplements to come to market in recent years. It combines two of the leading natural ingredients in Hoodia, an appetite suppressant, and Advantra-Z, a thermogenic and fat burner. Both ingredients have been shown in studies and in their natural habitat to be both effective and safe.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Supporting health goals with beverages

You might be a fan of drinking those health beverages to support overall health and wellness, but you might not know that the formulas will also include a lot of sugar in addition to nutrients. For instance, Vitamin Water is popular for its diversity in flavors and for all the vitamins and minerals you can get -- but each 16-ounce bottle is said to have the same amount of sugar as a 12-ounce can of Diet Coke.

Fuze Drinks may be viewed as a little bit healthier, with lines such as Slenderize, but I'm not sure that the drinks will help you lose weight and keep it off. That's because the formulas don't include appetite suppressants like Hoodia and fat burners like Advantra-Z. I suppose it can't hurt to consume these beverages in moderation, but a capsule-based supplement might yield more tangible results.

Caffeine-based supplements will cause crashing

I like weight loss supplements that are based on natural ingredients, especially when they are potent without causing any adverse reactions. Just because an ingredient is derived from natural sources does not mean that it will be safe to use over the long run. Make sure to be aware of what ingredients are used to formulate the product.

is a supplement that is supposed to boost metabolic rate and burn fat, with some even claiming that it will suppress appetite. However, it contains moderate amounts of Caffeine, thanks to Yerba Mate and Green Tea, which are natural sources of Caffeine. A little bit of the stimulant might not be that bad, but too much will lead to jitters and crashing.

Complementing your supplement with a topical cream

You can get a lot out of the best weight loss supplements on the market today, but if you want to really maximize the experience you might want to check out some of the topical creams at the high end of the market as well. Some of the more well-regarded creams are supposed to support weight loss by targeting excess fat and cellulite.

A good topical cream should be potent yet safe to use for the long run, something that will not be possible with the majority of the products on the market right now. A cream called the Miracle Burn Cream is supposed to be one of the superior formulas for burning fat and reducing the appearance of cellulite, according to countless reports.

Supplements based on potent fat burners and appetite suppressants

When you're looking to lose weight and keep it off in the long run, it really does help to take a supplement to support our goals. The formula for a great dietary supplement will typically include an appetite suppressant and a fat burner, such as Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z. But you should make sure the supplement you choose contains authentic sources of these ingredients.

The most promising supplements are said to include the dietary agents mentioned above, which can be found in a formula found at Hoodia is supposed to be effective because of its ability to reduce cravings and suppress your appetite; Advantra-Z is the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract, also known as Citrus Aurantium, available today.

Detoxing with patches, not demanding diet plans

Some of the more popular ways to detox your body these days seems to be to use those foot patches. This is considered much more convenient than going with the conventional diets that require you to go on demanding diet plans. However, it is important to make sure you're using the best patch-based products available.

Some of the more well-regarded foot patches available include the Cleanse Patch, which is supposed to be convenient because you only have to use it for five nights. You simply attach the patch to your feet and go to bed; when you wake p the following morning, you will find all the impurities extracted from your body into the patch.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fiber might suppress appetite, but it is not the best

You see many companies marketing fiber-based supplements as a way to draw in dieters who want to suppress their appetite and reduce their caloric intake. That is because of the idea that fiber can absorb water in the stomach, which makes you feel full. Meanwhile, experts say that a diet high in fiber can boost energy and keep your digestive system healthy.

However, I'm not convinced that fiber supplements are the best way to lose weight, no matter what the so-called "experts" are saying. Too much fiber can actually have a negative impact on your digestive system, and it hasn't been shown to burn fat like other dietary aids out there. Glucommanan Root is one of the ingredients high in fiber, but I'm not sure that it is better than, say, Hoodia Extract.

Don't punish your body by starving yourself

You should reduce your caloric intake somewhat if you want to lose weight and keep it off in the long run, but that does not mean that you have to starve yourself. It also does not mean that you have to battle with your hunger pangs and cravings alone; there are supplements that contain proven appetite suppressants, such as Hoodia Gordonii.

seems to be among a select group of capsule-based supplements that are well-regarded industry-wide, which is important when looking for the best product. It also seems to have scored highly on consumer-oriented Web sites and surveys, which is another strong sign. It is said to be popular because it contains potent amounts of the authentic forms of Hoodia.

Which option for detoxification will fit our lifestyles the best?

You don't have to go with those fad diets and other quirky programs in order to detoxify your body, which is good every now and then to cleanse the system of impurities. You can use supplements and patch-based products these days to help you cleanse your body, though not all products are created equal. It helps to check out the review and blog sites for what is considered hot.

According to numerous testimonials and success stories online, a patch-based product found at is considered to be among the best options for detox purposes. You simply attach the patch to the undersides of your feet and go to bed; when you wake up the next morning, you will find the impurities in your body absorbed by the patch. Do this for five days and you might be set.

The one-two punch you can count on over and over again

One of the better options for weight loss supplementation is a formula that includes two ingredients: an appetite suppressant for reducing caloric intake and a metabolic stimulator that can help burn fat. Although there are hundreds of ingredients out there, the most promising among these include Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z.

Hoodia, which comes from southern Africa, is said to be effective because it contains a molecule called P57, which signals to the brain that you are feeling full -- even if little has been eaten. Advantra-Z, in the meantime, can help burn fat and boost energy levels. Both of these ingredients can be found in a supplement called Nuphedrine.

You take supplements, but what about topical creams?

It might be true that capsule- and tablet-based supplements are the tried and true method for weight loss support, but that doesn't mean that you can't benefit from a topical cream, too, every now and then. In fact, some of the more well-regarded creams have been shown to reinforce the effects of a good supplement, while providing other forms of support.

For example, the MiracleBurn Cream is supposed to be effective for reducing the visibility of cellulite and helping to burn off fat. Who can't benefit from something like that, right? The formula consists of organic ingredients, including Safflower Nut Oil, Aloe Vera and general nutrients. It is said to be especially effective when used in conjunction with a supplement based on Hoodia and Advantra-z.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

There are side effects, and then there are side effects

Everyone knows the risks associated with taking certain supplements, even if they are not of pharmaceutical-grade strength or don't require a prescription. Some of the more common side effects might include headache, nausea and dizziness. However, some of the more heavily marketed and well-known dietary supplements out there will surprise you with some -- let's say strange -- side effects.

You see a product called MyAlli everywhere from television to the billboards to aisle 5 in your local drugstore or pharmacy. It's supposed to be capable of blocking up to 25 percent of all dietary fat that goes through your system, which sounds pretty neat. But then you read reports of users that experienced some disturbing side effects: anal leakage, oily stools and explosive diarrhea, for instance.

An official Web site can tell you a lot about a product

I would think that a company that truly believes that its weight loss supplement is the best will try to project that image to the public, whether through advertisements or through a brilliant, user-friendly official Web site. Sadly, I feel that the number of poorly developed Web sites far outnumbers the good ones; a simple search for weight loss products online will confirm this hunch.

Miracle Burn, on the other hand, appears to have a lot going for it, based on the product's presentation on its official Web site. The company makes sure to convey the fact that the ingredients include both Hoodia and Advantra-Z pretty clearly, as well as offering facts on why these extracts are so great for weight loss. You'll also find tons of consumer testimonials and find out how you can take advantage of a free sample.

Fiber-based supplements might not be the best choice

While fiber is an ever-important nutrient for maintaining sound digestive health and overall wellness, depending on it for weight management support might not be the best idea. Some people believe that fiber can boost energy levels and even suppress appetite, considering in theory it could expand in the stomach and reduce your hunger. However, it may not be the number one appetite suppressant around.

A product found at is marketed as an advanced weight loss formula for anyone looking to suppress their appetite and improve their weight loss goals. The only ingredient, according to online sources, is Glucomannan, which comes from the Konjac Root. It is a great source of fiber, but I am not aware of any studies that suggest the product can suppress the appetite over a long term.

Go for the patented versions whenever possible

An ingredient called Citrus Aurantium has gained in popularity in recent years in the weight loss community, mainly because of reports surfacing that it can stimulate the metabolism and increase energy levels without causing the side effects of stimulants like Caffeine. Also known as Bitter Orange Extract, products that use this ingredient might be decent, but there may be better options.

Advantra-Z is the name of the only patented form of Bitter Orange Extract available as of this post, and you won't find it in too many supplements. A product called MeltRX 24 Ultra is billed as an "unrivaled and unmatachable fat burning appetite suppressant." However, it contains Bitter Orange Extract instead of Advantra-Z, and I don't see any ingredient that qualifies the company's claim that this product can suppress the appetite.

Knowing the limits of your dietary supplement

I can't stress how important it is to understand that unless your supplement contains proven weight loss agents like Hoodia and Advantra-Z, you are setting yourself up for a major letdown. If you think about how many unique weight loss supplements there are on the current market -- some estimates peg it at over 10,000 -- then you might say that maybe less than 5 percent are even worth a look.

You have products that are marketed as magic pills and others that are advertised as bargains. However, you can't really expect a formula that contains just vitamins and ingredients like Fenugreek Extract and Wheat Bran to be the key to your success; this is what you will find, unfortunately, with a supplement called Lipo Matrix. I advise that you keep on looking at alternatives.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Diet and exercise plans on DVD can be hard to follow

If you're a highly motivated individual, then you might be able to take advantage of working out at home with a DVD and video program. However, most of us may not some degree of accountability, whether it means receiving support from friends, family or others in gyms and studios, for example.

Still, some of us might be looking to save money on the products we purchase by searching for a P90x promo code. This program is said to involve intense exercises from home while focusing on a pretty strict diet plan. But while the exercise component may be good if you follow it strictly, the diet plan is said to be unfriendly to diabetics. This can be a problem.

Making over your body over six weeks

You see all of those reality TV programs about people making themselves over, and you ask yourself whether you can accomplish such tasks as well. There are weight loss plans and programs that claim that you can lose a certain amount of weight over a set period of time, but which program or method should you choose?

Ultimately, it comes down to your ability to commit to a program over a long run in addition to executing as recommended. The Six Week Body Makeover, for instance, asks participants to commit for six weeks to a customized program that includes a strict regimen of dieting and exercising. However, in order to lose weight and keep it off, you need to look beyond the six weeks.

Detoxifying your body overnight

It's been well-documented that detoxifying your body requires some form of dieting, whether it's for a week or more. The benefits of detoxifying include better digestive health, and some believe it can be beneficial for weight loss as well. Fortunately, you don't have to participate in a diet to reap the benefits; there are alternative options that will be easier to execute.

For instance, at you can find a patch-based product that you're supposed to use overnight. Basically, you apply the patch to the undersides of your feet and go to sleep; it's that simple. Then, when you wake in the morning, you can remove the patch and marvel at all the toxins and impurities that were extracted from your body while you were sleeping.

Using consumer testimonials to gauge a product's effectiveness

When you want to find out how effective a weight loss product will be, it helps to check out what the consumers are saying about their previous experiences. Not all products will be backed by a section on their official Web sites with these success stories, but when you do find them make sure to look.

At, you can see numerous testimonials attesting to the product's effectiveness. This ab-toning belt is said to use Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to target the hard-to-reach muscles in the abs, including the obliques and the lower abs. You can also adjust the power settings from 1 to 100.

Fat burners and appetite suppressants in harmony

Although it's hard to reach your weight loss goals without taking a good supplement, there are so many less-than-promising supplements out there so you may not be missing out on much -- that is, unless the product contains a pair of proven weight loss aids such as Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z.

MiracleBurn is a natural weight loss supplement that contains both of these ingredients in capsule form. Hoodia is an appetite suppressant that contains a molecule called P57, which sends signals to the brain that the body feels full. Advantra-Z, meanwhile, is the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract, a fat burner.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You know what they say about something being too good to be true

I tend to favor weight loss products that are backed by high-quality ingredients and featured in prominent review sites and blogs. I also check to make sure that the product has been thoroughly tested in clinical studies and that it won’t cause any side effects and adverse reactions. You’d be surprised at how narrow the field is after all of these criteria are set.

RemovylDirect is a weight loss supplement for women looking to lose weight without having to over-exert themselves. The company says the formula consists of a dozen or so essential plant oils, which is nice to know. However, the formula doesn’t appear to include a potent fat burner or an appetite suppressant. I wanted to see Advantra-Z and Hoodia listed, which would have won me over.

When you want some more accountability

We could all use some extra accountability when it comes to meeting our weight loss goals. There are so many temptations out there that sometimes it feels like you can’t pull through all the dieting and punishing your body while exercising. There are options for those who want a better support system, such as counseling programs.

Slim4Life is a company that offers this accountability in terms of clinical visits and counseling sessions. The company only seems to offer its services, however, in Denver and in the twin cities of Minnesota and St. Paul. Therefore, it might not be the best option for those who live out of reach. There are other ways to stay accountable, however, without paying a lot of money for counseling.

Don’t give the celebrities the benefit of the doubt

Even though you might be a fan of certain celebrities for their body of work in cinema, music and the arts, you shouldn’t give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to products they endorse. Usually what happens is the celebrities are just paid off to put their names on the products and do a 30-second commercial spot; they don’t actually have a hand in the development of the product.

This appears to be the case with Somersize, which is a diet plan for those who wish to slim down, lose weight and keep it off. The company offers resources and products to help you reach your goals, but it might be asking too much: You have to participate in a low-carb diet that drastically reduces your caloric intake. Some have even criticized this approach as borderline starvation.

Weight loss while you watch TV or walk around

Granted that there is no such thing as easy weight loss, there are ways you can maximize the time you put into the things you do, such as wearing ab belts while watching TV, cooking or even while going for a walk outside. Some of these products are said to be so effective that you don’t even have to spend hours doing crunches, sit-ups and other such exercises anymore.

One of the more intriguing ab belts I’ve come across was found at, where I learned that the belt uses Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to really target the lower abs, obliques and other hard-to-reach areas around the abs. The electric currents are mild yet do their job by stimulating the muscles and simulating the effects you would expect from doing crunches and sit-ups, etc.

Ingredients that go synergistically well together

You might think that a supplement loaded with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is the best thing since sliced bread, but not so fast: It's not just the quantity of ingredients that makes the product, the but the quality in the individual components. So, instead of looking for weight loss formulas that contain a million different nutrients, you might be better off looking for high-quality supplements based on just a few premium weight loss agents.

For instance, some of the more well-regarded weight loss supplements are known to contain Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z, an appetite suppressant and fat burner, respectively. At Miracle Burn com you can find one supplement that contains both of these ingredients in high concentrations. (Some companies list quality ingredients like these but only use them as fillers.)

Monday, August 4, 2008

When you want to improve the overall appearance of your body

Weight loss and beauty are intertwined, so when you go on a diet to lose some weight you also want to make sure that your skin and body look as great as you feel. The trouble is that so many weight loss products focus on the weight loss aspect and leave you alone to pick up the pieces after you lose the weight.

On the other hand, using a topical cream like the one found at seems to be a sensible choice if you want to minimize the visibility of cellulite and other cosmetic flaws associated with being overweight. The formula contains ingredients like Aloe Vera, Caffeine and Safflower Oil, so you know it will be gentle without sacrificing quality.

Stimulants aren't always the way to go

If you're trying to lose weight with the help of a supplement, then you might want to make sure that the product doesn't contain too many stimulants. And if the product happens to contain a stimulant or two, you want it to be of the highest quality and known to be safe, like Advantra-Z, a fat burner.

Thermocin is a dietary supplement positioned as a fat burner and appetite suppressant, with ingredients like Guarana Extract, Green Tea Extract and Citrus Aurantium. Also known as Bitter Orange Extract, Citrus Aurantium is available in patented form, in Advantra-Z. This product doesn't contain the patented form, but does contain stimulants you may want to be careful of relying on.

Is it myth or reality?

You might be familiar with the great blast that shook the Tunguska region of Russia right around a century ago, the aftermath of which some believe may be responsible for mysterious developments in the surrounding area. For instance, some companies are trying to capitalize on this mystique by claiming their products contain herbs derived from the region.

Tunguska Blast is a beverage that supposedly contains herbal ingredients like Schizandra Chinensis, Glycyrrhiza Uralensis and Aralia Mandchurica, which the company claims came straight from overseas. The product is advertised for weight loss support but is also billed as an all-around nutritional product. Still, at around $55 per bottle, or $210 for a four-pack, I wouldn't rush to the stores to buy this.

Ab toning belts that work better than advertised

It's rare that you actually come across a consumer product that exceeds your expectations, what with so many knockoffs and imitations out there claiming to be the real deal but actually being poorly developed. In the weight loss industry, you can try some of the higher-end supplements, but if you want to slim down your waist then you might benefit from one of those ab toning belts.

Some belts look and feel cheap, but others are high-quality and it shows. At you can find out about the Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology it uses and how you can adjust the power levels from 1 to 100. The FDA actually approved the product as a class II medical device, which means it can be sold directly to us, the consumers.

Reviews can be more helpful than you think

If you purchase a consumer product before even looking at any reviews online, then you might be missing out on a big part of the consumer experience. Thanks to the Web, we can exchange information on what we liked and disliked about our experience with a weight loss product in the blink of an eye.

There are many MiracleBurn reviews, for instance, on Web sites that specialize in reviews as well as on blogs -- and even on official Web sites. You can check out some of the testimonials out there, which are actually a form of reviews. This way, you can find out if the product comes with a free trial offer and/or a money-back guarantee.

Friday, August 1, 2008

When you're overloading on Caffeine

If you frequently find yourself twitching and having the jitters, not to mention crashing on a regular basis, then you might have a Caffeine addiction and may need to lay off the stimulant for a while. Nothing good comes of Caffeine in the long run; you may get an energy boost, but the after-effects may not be worth the extra pick-me-up.

Lipo 6 is a supplement advertised as an all-around nutritional formula for men and women looking to boost their energy levels, enhance metabolic rate and even suppress the appetite. However, it seems to be geared mainly towards bodybuilders looking for a way to maximize the productivity of their workouts. The loads of Caffeine confirm that this may not be the ideal long-term dietary supplement for most dieters.

When side effects are a concern

If you're lucky enough to be immune to most of the side effects that the rest of us experience from using certain supplements or eating certain foods, then, well, be thankful. Some people have it really bad and are allergic to all kinds of foods and natural substances, which makes it difficult to find a good supplement for weight loss support.

Hoodia XPF claims to offer one of the best weight loss formulas for male and female dieters looking to reduce their caloric intake, boost energy levels and improve their metabolic rate. The formula, like the name says, may contain Hoodia Gordonii, one of the more well-regarded appetite suppressants around. However, due to other ingredients in the formula, some side effects may include drowsiness.

For menopausal women only

There are dietary supplements out there marketed strictly towards menopausal women, since this stage of life might require certain lifestyle changes. Such products are typically advertised as capable of boosting the resting metabolic rate and increasing both stamina and energy levels, which can be helpful for weight loss.

At EstrindD com you can learn more about what these types of products supposedly can do and what they can't do. The formula may promote overall health and wellness, since the formula consists of natural herbal extracts and other natural ingredients, such as Green Tea, Ginger, Damiana and Yerba Mate. On the other hand, you're looking at loads of Caffeine.