Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One-dimensional products are so ... one-dimensional

As our lives get busier and our demands get greater, more and more companies are offering comprehensive nutritional supplements. Even dietary formulas are currently available to meet various needs, whether you want to suppress your appetite and reduce caloric intake, boost energy levels or stimulate your metabolism and burn more fat. Some supplements can address each and every one of these issues.

is a plant-based ingredient that takes on the standardized form of Caralluma Fimbriata. You may have seen this name thrown around on infomercials or maybe picked up on it in a health magazine, but I'm not really convinced that it is the ideal appetite suppressant. It actually hasn't been shown to excel at any one thing, unlike Hoodia Gordonii, which has been proven in clinical studies and a long history of anecdotal reports to be highly effective.

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