Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Satisfy your sweet tooth and lose weight?

Ever since Hoodia was discovered in the Western world as an effective natural appetite suppressant, we've seen all kinds of strange products hit the market. For instance, you see those meal replacement bars that supposedly contain Hoodia, as well as beverages, taffy chews and even lollipops. But are these products comprised of authentic forms of Hoodia or are they just rip-offs?

Power Pops is a brand of lollipops that are supposed to taste great and still suppress the appetite. According to advertisements, you can supposedly lose weight even while satisfying your sweet tooth, which could bring together the best of both worlds. But while the formula may include Hoodia, it also includes moderate amounts of Caffeine as well as other questionable components. Plus, at $25, the price tag is a bit hefty for lollipops in my opinion.

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