Thursday, July 31, 2008

When the line between nutritional product and dietary supplement is blurred

Don't get brainwashed into thinking that just because you're taking your daily multivitamin or multimineral, you'll be able to lose weight and keep it off. Good nutrition and wellness is important, of course, but if you need to lose a lot of weight and have failed to do so in the past, you need to go straight to the source.

CKLS claims to offer one of the most potent holistic formulas for general nutrition for both men and women. The product is supposed to contain natural ingredients, which is good, but these ingredients are not likely to be powerful dietary agents. Some reports suggest that the product can increase the frequency of your bowel movements, for what that's worth.

While there are no magic pills...

I've had varying degrees of success with the weight loss supplements I've used over the years, and I have to say that the ones that worked had a few things in common: They contained only the highest-quality, naturally derived ingredients and the company offered special bonuses on the side.

What kind of bonuses, you ask? Well, a supplement like Miracle Burn probably doesn't need a long introduction; it is well-regarded in the industry for combining Hoodia, an appetite suppressant, with the fat burner Advantra-Z. But it's especially nice to know that a free trial is available directly from the company, as is a money-back guarantee.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Beware of anal leakage -- that's right, anal leakage

Of all the side effects that you can experience from a weight loss supplement, anal leakage may be among the nastier reactions reported by consumers. Certain products might be advertised as side-effect-free, but when it comes down to it you're likely to experience some of the least expected side effects.

A product found at is marketed as one of the superior weight loss products on the market, on the strength of natural ingredients. However, even natural extracts can cause adverse reactions, if you're picking the wrong ones. Despite claims that this supplement can block 25 percent of dietary fat, reported side effects include oily stools, severe flatulence and, yes, anal leakage.

If you want to advance to more challenging exercises

I used to be a big fan of working out at home until I realized that these exercises you see on DVDs and videos tend to cater to beginners who don't want any real challenges. Sure, it's important to take baby steps with your weight loss needs, but what happens when you feel you want a bigger challenge? You have to turn elsewhere.

Slim n 6 is a set of DVDs based on cardiovascular workouts you can do in the comfort of your living room. You don't have to use any weights or any other equipment, according to advertisements. However, while the company guarantees results in as little as six weeks, I'm worried about where you're expected to go after that period is over.

What to do when the ingredients aren't listed

Don't put yourself at risk of experiencing side effects and adverse reactions when you're looking for the best forms of support for weight management. Some of the best options on the market include all-natural supplements, but not all such products are sensible options. Make sure that the company discloses all relevant information before buying.

Simply Weight Loss is a weight loss plan marketed towards dieters who wish to lose weight by taking a round-the-clock supplement, or a day- and nighttime formula. The company claims these products can stabilize blood sugar levels, boost energy, burn fat and suppress appetite, but a full list of ingredients seems awfully hard to come by.

Should I build muscle, too?

Many dieters find themselves confused about whether they should focus entirely on losing weight and burning fat or if they should also build muscle. The easy answer is that the two are mutually exclusive in that you can't expect to become cut and ripped if there are layers of fat on top of the muscles.

P90x is an at-home fitness center marketed towards bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, though the company seems to be trying to draw in dieters as well. The center includes DVDs, equipment and reference guides for you to follow while working out. Unfortunately, this program doesn't really seem to have a dieting component to it.

Using Web sites to enhance the search

I would be disappointed with any type of weight loss product that doesn't come with a good, information-rich Web site for consumers to use in their search. A good Web site should display what the product is meant to do and the ingredients that support any assertions of this or that benefit. It should also offer Web-only incentives.

For example, some weight loss products -- like the one found on Miracle Burn com -- are said to include potent weight loss aids like Advantra-Z and Hoodia Gordonii. Also, select supplements come with free trial offers for those who want to try the product for a few days before buying it. Money-back offers may also be available.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Choosing the right fitness programs

There are many ways to about meeting your exercise needs, such as gym memberships and in-home workout videos and DVDs. At you can find out about one of the more well-marketed workout programs for those looking to get in shape. It supposedly comes with a wide range of workouts to meet every need.

However, the program doesn't seem to be catered to all difficulty levels, so once you "graduate" from one level to the next, you might have to look for alternative options. Also, the company doesn't seem to emphasize the importance of a sound diet plan, which is just as important for losing weight in the long run as exercising.

When the fat burner doesn't come with appetite suppression

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, then you will probably have to reduce your caloric intake a bit in addition to taking a supplement that can improve your body's fat burning potential. Better yet, take a supplement that contains both a potent fat burner and a promising appetite suppressant, and you're on your way to weight loss.

A product called Ultra LipoSlim is advertised as one of the leading weight loss agents on the market. It contains Advantra-Z, one of the most well-regarded fat burners on the market today. However, the formula is missing a promising appetite suppressant such as Hoodia Gordonii, so this product might not be the best option for all dieters.

Working out without actually working out

How nice would it be if you could work out your abs without actually punishing your body with crunches and sit-ups? It's clear that you need to get at least some exercise, along with eating right and taking certain natural supplements, in order to lose weight and keep it off. However, there are different ways to meet your exercise requirements.

An ab belt found at is supposed to be one of the most effective products of its kind on the market today. It uses Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to zone in on hard-to-reach muscles such as the obliques and, thanks to the adjustable power levels, you can go from 1 to 100 in a cinch.

Why should you look for free trials

If you're not completely sure what an experience with a particular weight loss product might be like, then you might want to make sure that the company offers free samples. If you purchase a product that isn't backed by such an offer, then you're liable to be stuck with a useless product that you don't even like.

Trim Life is a brand of weight loss products such as supplements and meal replacement products. The company also offers anti-wrinkle creams, acne treatments and more, so those who like companies that market a broad range of health products might want to check it out. However, if you're looking for free samples, look elsewhere.

Being free of side effects

I hate weight loss supplements that cause side effects, even if they're generally mild; you shouldn't have to compromise your health for some weight loss benefits, especially when there are proven alternatives that don't cause any adverse reactions. Look for products whose formulas contain natural ingredients that are well-researched.

If you're wondering what some of the MiracleBurn side effects might be, you won't find any such side effects reported. That's because it contains well-regarded weight loss aids Hoodia, an appetite suppressant, and Advantra-Z, the patented fat burner. This formula is known to be effective for those looking to burn fat and reduce their caloric intake.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Knowing when it's too good to be true

Beware of companies that advertise products characterized by over-the-top marketing, as if it seems too good to be true then it probably is. You don't want to get sucked into using a product, only to find that it doesn't come with a money-back guarantee when it's too late.

Shapely Secrets is a weight loss system marketed by someone named Greer Childers, who you might know as the creator of other health and wellness products. The company says you can lose weight in just seven minutes a day utilizing 7 key principles; these principles, however, seem vague.

Celebrity appeal might be a trap

It's okay to want to try a product that is endorsed by A-list celebrities, I guess, but to think that these are any more effective than the next item on the shelf might not be too accurate. Celebrities endorse all kinds of products, but not necessarily because they really believe in them; it's because of the money.

At you can learn about all the different weight loss products marketed by Suzanne Somers, who also endorsed the Thigh Master back in the '90s. However, while this line contains books, DVDs and other materials, note that Somers might not even be using these items herself. Plastic surgery anyone?

Challenge yourself to push yourself

It's good to set certain goals that you hope to meet every day, every week, every month, etc, because it keeps you accountable more regularly. This is as opposed to just doing your thing and expecting everything to turn out all right when you check in six months later.

The Special K Challenge involves eating healthy, including -- surprise, surprise -- many of the company's products. This includes the Protein Water, which is basically flavored water with added Protein. Relying on such a program, however, can feel restrictive. You don't have to commit to one diet program if you don't want to.

Still, make sure to take a natural supplement that contains an appetite suppressant and a fat burner to help boost your efficiency.

How simple is too simple?

If you're looking to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, well, get real. You can't expect to unload all that fat and mass without putting in some work. You need to eat right, exercise and take some herbal supplements to reinforce your goals.

A diet plan called the Ultra Simple Diet, however, claims you can lose up to 10 pounds in just a week, a claim that is not uncommon in this industry. There are all kinds of fad diets, most of which will help you lose water weight -- but when you get off the diet, expect to see all the weight come back.

Dancing the fat off

If you're looking for a fun and easy way to burn off your fat, then dancing may be right for you. Maybe you already dance frequently but didn't know how great it was for your weight loss goals. There are products out there that can help you do this right at home.

At you can find out about a DVD program that lets you dance along to the instructor and the music while focusing on working out the overall body. Working out at home might be a great option if you don't want to make the trip out. Still, you can benefit from a natural supplement that contains a potent fat burner like Advantra-Z.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Beware of the side effects

Not all herbal supplements are good for you, despite advertisements and general public opinion. Obviously, it's better to go the all-natural route instead of prescription drugs or starvation, but you should keep in mind that there are well-regarded herbal extracts and those that are less-than-desirable.

SmartBurn is a dietary supplement said to contain Hoodia, which is good for those who want to reduce caloric intake. However, it also contains Caffeine, Sodium and Garcinia Cambogia, which many users have reported as causing side effects such as gastrointestinal disorders.

Going for the Hoodia-based supplements

You should look for all-natural ways of suppressing the appetite, instead of starving yourself or going with prescription drugs. There are many benefits to reducing caloric intake, considering it is done in moderation, in conjunction with health overall nutrition, exercise and supplementation.

A supplement called Solo Slim, for instance, is advertised as one of the most effective weight loss formulas, with ingredients that may include antioxidants. However, it doesn't contain Hoodia, so I'm not sure how effective it will be at helping to control that raging appetite and cravings.

Why should you use prescription drugs?

I thought the age of using prescription drugs to lose weight was over, but I guess I was wrong. There are still many prescription medications on the market for dieters looking to boost their metabolic rate or suppress their appetite. Are these worth using?

Tenuate is one such prescription drug that some dieters have reported using to suppress their appetite. Some reports suggest that it can suppress the appetite, but there are also side effects to worry about, considering this is a pharmaceutical-grade product.

When you just want to try it first

Unfortunately, there are many supplements on the market that will not come with a free trial offer, so you might be on your own by purchasing it. Free samples enable us to test the product out for a few days to see if it is right for us. Only the reputable companies seem to offer these, though.

is a supplement advertised as a potent fat burner, with ingredients like Citrus Aurantium. Also known as Bitter Orange Extract, this ingredient might be nice, but there is a patented form called Advantra-Z that is said to be many times more potent. I am mostly disappointed in this product because of the apparent lack of a free trial offer.

When it's marketed as a do-it-all formula

What do you do when a supplement is marketed as one of the most comprehensive formulas to hit the market in recent years? If you're new to this, then you might be tempted to check it out. But if you're a savvy consumer, you might be somewhat skeptical.

A product called Thermo Bubbles claims to be an appetite suppressant, a fat burner and energy booster. Now, don't get me wrong; there are supplements that can do this. It's just that this particular formula seems to be missing key components like Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Some formulas are too elementary

Some weight loss products might seem like good options, but when you get a closer look at the formulas you might realize that the ingredients are too elementary to produce the results you're looking for. For example, vitamins and minerals are not really regarded as weight loss agents, per se.

A product found at is advertised as unique because it consists of various formulas to appeal to a wide range of dieters. However, while the products may contain nutrients like Green Tea and Vitamin C, I don't see an appetite suppressant or fat burner named.

An appetite suppressant worth considering

Some of the most well-regarded weight loss supplements are known to contain two components: an appetite suppressant like Hoodia Gordonii Extract and a patented fat burner like Advantra-Z. Unfortunately, only a select few formulas contain both components.

A product called Certiphene is advertised as one of the most effective weight loss formulas for both men and women, since it contains Hoodia. Hoodia is said to signal to the brain that the body feels full -- even if little has been eaten. Still, I would have liked a fat-burning component like Advantra-Z.

Self-help programs

There are weight loss products out there that claim that you don't need to rely on excessive exercising or supplementation to reach your goals. For instance, Body by Science is an audio program based on the self-help approach.

The program is said to come with four CDs and is supposed to walk you through the tasks that get you through your weight loss goals, such as a healthy diet. However, while this may seem convenient, it may not necessarily be right for everyone -- especially those who are self-motivated and prefer a hands-on approach.

You can do it anywhere

If you're like me and you just can't seem to find the time to get quality workouts in, then you might benefit from alternative forms of exercise through products like an ab belt found at Such items let you work out anywhere, anytime -- even sitting at your desk or in front of your TV.

This particular product, though, is said to be superior to most because of the Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology, which targets hard-to-reach areas such as the obliques and the lower abs. Also, it is said to be approved by the FDA as a medical-grade product.

A complete lifestyle plan

Sure, all of us say we are committed to doing what we have to do to lose weight, but how many of us are willing to eat right, exercise and take the right supplements? It's not as easy as it sounds, especially if you've been there and tried it without much success.

You can buy Miracle Burn where nutritional supplements are sold, whether locally or online, but your best bet for high-quality dietary supplements like this one is to go directly through the parent company. This ensures that you are getting the best possible consumer experience.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Caffeine isn't that great

Your morning coffee does wonders for you: When you're feeling groggy, you get that extra burst of energy; when you're dozing off and daydreaming, it helps you to refocus on the task at hand; and when you used to have to do all-nighters, it helped keep you up.

But is Caffeine a good choice for weight loss support? A supplement called Remedilean contains ample amounts of this natural stimulant, not to mention the additional source of Caffeine in Green Tea, which is also included. Too much Caffeine can obviously do more harm than good, including causing jitters.

Using books to lose weight

You can read all the books you want, but if you aren't doing the right things as far as lifestyle changes are concerned, then you won't see the results you want. You have to make sure to eat the right foods and exercise, as well as take the right supplements.

A book called the Abs Diet is authored by David Zinczenko, one of the more well-known editors of health and wellness publications today. The diet is said to focus on burning fat, especially around the abs and other trouble areas. However, relying solely on the book for weight loss support might have its limitations.

Why free trials are great

You don't need me to spell out for you why free trial offers for dietary supplements are so great, but I'm going to anyway. Free samples ensure that you will be satisfied with your overall product experience, since you're not obligated to buy it or continue using it if you don't like it.

A product called Thermocin is said to contain some interesting ingredients, such as Bitter Orange Extract, but free samples are not offered at this time. This means that you're going to have to take a risk by buying it and testing it out. If you don't like it, you might not be eligible for a refund.

The one-two punch of Hoodia, Advantra-Z

If you're looking for a weight loss formula that packs the punch that you need to reach your long-term goals, then you should consider the one-two punch offered by select formulas comprised of an appetite suppressant and a fat burner.

A product found at www miracleburn com seems to contain two of the more well-regarded dietary aids in Hoodia, a fat burner, and Advantra-Z, a patented fat burner. These ingredients have been put through plenty of clinical studies, so you can rest at ease when you use such a product.

It was discontinued

I'm surprised to see that some Ephedra-based supplements are still on the market. Everyone knows that this stimulant, also called Ma Huang, was banned in the U.S. earlier, as a result of reports that it was unsafe to the point that some users actually died.

A supplement called Trimethylene supposedly contains Ephedra, in addition to nutrients like Vitamin B3, Chromium, Ephedrine, Bitter Orange Extract, Evodiamine and other components. The product has been discontinued, but perhaps it is still available illegally -- not that anyone should mess around with such a questionable item in the first place.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sure, exercise is important, but...

I know all of us are aware of how important it is to our weight loss goals and overall health and wellness to get regular exercise. There are so many things you can do wrong for weight management, and only a few things that are essential for success. Exercise is one of them, but don't overlook the value of a healthy diet and supplementation.

An at-home fitness system found at claims to offer all the perks of using one of those high-tech machines you see in gyms. The machine does seem to offer many of the common exercises, such as bench pressing, but it might not be as compact or affordable as you'd like. Such a hardcore product also seems to be geared more towards fitness buffs than dieters.

Go for the patents

It's nice to know that a component in your supplement has been patented by a company for its effectiveness and uniqueness in the marketplace. There are so many supplements that use many of the more common, pedestrian ingredients. For instance, a supplement called PhenterFein uses Citrus Aurantium, not the patented form.

Advantra-Z is the only known patented form of Citrus Aurantium, or Bitter Orange Extract, on the market at this time. Citrus Aurantium is believed to be useful for boosting metabolic rate, burning more fat and sustaining high energy levels. However, the patented Advantra-Z is said to be at least several times more potent than the civilian version.

Lose 30 pounds today?

I would stick to conservative estimates for my weight loss goals, because when you shoot for the big money (read: 30 pounds in one week), you're likely to fall short of your goals bigtime. It's important to understand that losing weight and keeping it off is a day-by-day process that requires paying attention to the details.

A product called RapidSlim, on the other hand, is advertised towards those who wish to lose a lot of weight in little time. This type of supplement might appeal to men and women whose weight loss needs are urgent -- perhaps for a wedding or other special occasion. However, if your goal is long-term weight loss, then don't rush it.

Pre-packaged meals to go

The idea of having our meals pre-packaged and ready to go every day might seem appealing, especially to those of us whose lifestyles make it difficult to sit down to a nice, home-cooked meal. Don't forget that it is important to maintain healthy eating habits to reach our weight loss goals.

A program called Seattle Sutton, based in Illinois, advertises pre-packaged meals that are delivered right to your door. The meals are said to include all the basic food groups, with an emphasis on low-calorie, low-fat and highly nutritious foods. However, this type of program might be costly to maintain over the long run.

It's too good to be true

Wouldn't you like to lose all the weight you wanted without having to cut back on any of the junk food you love or lifting a finger to exercise? Well, a supplement called Sleep n Slim claims you can, going so far as to say that you can lose all the weight in the world even in your sleep.

The idea of working your metabolism during sleep cycles is not entirely new, and might merit a closer look to see how it can figure into your overall goals. However, the fact that this company says you don't have to do a single thing and still lose a lot of weight seems a bit bogus to me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The benefits of an official Web site

I tend to favor weight loss products backed by an official Web site, considering how much information you can get from this resource. Also, unlike with middleman retailers, you can take advantage of online-only opportunities like discounts on bulk orders, free trials and money-back offers.

Lipovarin is a dietary supplement advertised as capable of offering complete weight loss support. It contains a thermogenic called Advantra-Z, which is the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract at this time. However, the product doesn't seem to have an official Web site. This means you have to go out of your way to research the product and find a place to buy it.

Clinical support: Is it right for you?

When you want some extra accountability to reach your weight loss goals, it helps to know that you can rely on somebody to keep you motivated and thinking straight about your priorities. That's why there are so many Web-based programs out there marketed towards the average dieter who might not have the strength to do it on their own.

For instance, Lindora is a clinic based in California that has a modified version of its program online for those who live out of state and out of reach of the clinics. A big part of the program seems to be ketosis, or starvation essentially, and this might not sit will with many dieters. It's also worth noting that the online program seems to cost more than $100.

Consumer success stories are helpful

When you don't know where to turn to find out if a certain weight loss product, program or book will be right for you, it helps to know that there are people that have tried it before you. This is when you should browse the Web for consumer testimonials, many of which will provide invaluable insight.

A product called Kinoki is a foot patch meant to help detoxify your body. However, the official Web site doesn't seem to have any success stories, which is strange for a product that is advertised as one of the superior patches for detoxification on the market. Some of the most promising products are known to be backed by a generous amount of success stories.

Patch-based dietary agents

When you're tired of using the same old supplements, you might be tempted to change things up a bit and go for one of the unconventional products, like those patches. These patches are popular because of the success found in the industry for quitting smoking, but I'm not sold on claims that it can also help you lose weight.

Now, some patches are believed to help in detoxifying your body from toxins and metals, but a product like JenFe is marketed as capable of providing direct weight loss support. Ingredients may include Chromium, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels, but the formula as a whole seems to be lacking.

Can you prove it?

A weight loss product called Hydroxycut seems like it is marketed as capable of enabling you to lose up to 4.5 times as much weight as with just dieting and exercise alone. This seems like a nice proposition, but is it really effective as advertised? Or, is it just one of those gimmicks?

The formula includes Green Tea Extract and Garcinia Cambogia. The former contains antioxidants and is believed to promote overall health, but it is not necessarily among the upper echelon of dietary agents. The latter is touted as a thermogenic, but it may not be as powerful as some of the more well-regarded alternatives, like Advantra-Z.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Don't fall for the all-natural trick

America is more conscious of what's going into our bodies these days, I think, compared to in previous generations. There's a movement taking place towards eating more whole foods and getting in shape than last I remember. (The days of sports icons endorsing fast food chains like McDonald's is virtually over, as the Jareds take over the screen.)

A weight loss supplement called T r i m b l a s t claims to be effective for weight management support because it contains many different natural ingredients. These include Spirulina, Reishi Mushroom, Alisma, Grape Seed Extract and Green Tea Extract. But don't get tricked into thinking that every natural supplement on the market is a savior; there are better ingredients in the form of Hoodia (appetite suppressant) and Advantra-Z (fat burner).

Reading up on the reviews

Before you decide to be adventurous and go for that weight loss product that caught your eye because of clever advertising, make sure to check out what previous users are saying about their own experiences with the product in question. Skipping this crucial step could cost you a lot of money and disappointment when you find out you have a dud of a product on your hands.

Fortunately, I was able to read a Slim Shot review or two before placing my order for this product, which is actually three different formulas conveniently packaged into one. The reviews suggest that this type of product is convenient because it offers you all-day support -- morning, afternoon and night -- that probably would not be possible for most standalone supplements.

Don't overlook good customer service

When I'm browsing the aisles -- both in person and virtually through online retailers -- I make sure to keep a mental checklist of things the product fulfills and areas in which it is lacking. The obvious ones are the ingredients and the money-back offer; but don't forget the importance of good customer service either.

When you're purchasing a $3 meal replacement bar or a$2 healthful beverage, you're not going to lose sleep over the bad customer service you got when you called up the company's hotline. However, when you're investing $50 or more on a weight loss supplement, you expect to get the attention you deserve should any problems arise.

That's why products like Removyl, which is advertised as highly effective for weight loss support but may be backed by a shoddy company, could disappoint. The official Web site seems out of date and calls/e-mails to the company may not go through.

Fruit does your body good

If you want to enjoy a lifetime of health and well-being, you know you have to change your eating habits sooner or later. I'm not saying you should eat cardboard-like crackers and chew pellets the rest of your life, but how about incorporating some more fruits, vegetables and other whole foods?

A lot of companies know we're thinking that we should get more fruit into our diets, so out come all these products like Mona Vie, which is basically a fruit drink. It apparently contains 19 different fruits, like Blueberry (antioxidant power!), Kiwi, Pear, White Grape and Pomegranate, which is nice.

But why is a single bottle $39, or $149 for a case of four bottles? Yikes!

I believe in miracles

Okay, so there is no such thing as a magic diet pill that does all the work for you and zaps the fat out of your body without requiring you to raise a finger -- or even change your eating habits. There are, however, select supplements that are better positioned to help you reach your goals, after which you might exclaim that said product is a miracle.

Out of all the products I've tried, I'd have to say that the ingredients in MiracleBurn were most impressive. There's a noticeable difference when you're using a high-quality formula versus a mediocre one. You can tell that the Hoodia Gordonii content is helping suppress your appetite and that Advantra-Z, the patented form of Bitter Orange Extract, is boosting your metabolism.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How many supplements do I need to take?

A weight loss supplement system called Physedge claims that we can benefit from taking multiple supplements to reach our weight management goals. The three products in this particular system include Re-Creation Thermo Kick, Core Nutrition and Carbohydrate/Fat Inhibtor. Together, the company says we can lose the weight and keep it off.

The products may collectively contain ingredients like Green Tea, Cinnamon Twig, Niacin, Chromium, Iodine, Garcinia Cambogia and other nutrients. Unfortunately, the trio of products may be expensive: A one-month supply appears to cost around $120 at this time, which is way more expensive than some of the standalone complete weight loss formulas.

You should spurge on junk food?

A supplement called Ei Ta Mei claims to be capable of promoting a 10 percent loss in body weight in just 30 days of use, which might appeal to those of us who have struggled to achieve any amount of substantial weight loss -- and keep it off. The company claims to use only natural ingredients in the formula, which is always good to know in general.

Ingredients may include Sickle-Pod Senna Seed, Oyster Shell, Chinese Hawthorn and Sacred Lotus Leaf. It's clear that these are traditionally used ingredients and may be safe to use in general terms. However, what caught me off guard was the company's insistence that "people who feel a little bit uncomfortable after excretion should eat some desserts such as cakes, cookies or fruit."


Looking for clinically tested products

When you're searching for the best available weight loss product, make sure to find out if the company has subjected the formula to rigorous clinical studies and other official forms of research. If not, the product's long-term effectiveness and safety might be put into question, since there is no way of knowing what might happen when the days turn to weeks, and the weeks turn to months.

A product called Caligel is marketed towards male and female dieters and fitness enthusiasts looking to shed excess fat from the body. The topical formula might be considered unconventional, since most of the prominent weight loss products of today come in capsule form. The ingredients include a form of Collagen, which might be effective for promoting younger-looking skin but may not be the best choice for weight management support.

Working out your abs ... right at your desk

If you like to knock out two birds with one stone no matter what you're doing, then you might want to check out those high-tech ab belts, like the one found at You can wear it while you work, while you're watching TV or perhaps while you're out walking or jogging.

The belt is distinguished from most others because of the special Electric Stimulation Technology (EMS) employed by the company. This ensures that those hard-to-reach muscles such as the lower abs and obliques are worked out just as effectively as the rest of your abdominal region.

The creme of the crop of dietary supplements

If you're like me, you take your dietary supplements seriously, and you refuse to use anything less than the best that's out there. That's why I do my research to find out what kinds of ingredients are used to formulate the product and what kind of reputation the company in question has.

I was curious where to buy Miracleburn, a capsule-based supplement that has gotten rave reviews in recent years, so I did a simple Internet search. This led me to the official Web site, where I not only learned that it contains high-quality ingredients like Hoodia and Advantra-Z, but found out that the company offers free trials and a money-back guarantee.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Formulas that almost got it down

Some dietary supplements seem like they might be worth a look -- that is, until you look at the contents of the formulation and discover a bunch of sub-par, mediocre components. A product like Lipocerin, which is advertised as a fat burner, does contain Hoodia, but the other ingredients seem questionable.

Ginseng, Gymnema, Grapefruit, Almond Nut, Chickweed and Bladderwrack round out the formula. At first glance, you might be glad to see that the ingredients are all-natural; but don't be deceived into thinking that all natural ingredients are invariably effective for weight management support.

Control your appetite

A dietary supplement found at Hoodia contains the purest, most authentic form of Hoodia Gordonii Extract on the planet, according to the company -- a claim that I might be skeptical of if it weren't for all the positive feedback I've been reading and hearing lately from actual users.

Hoodia, of course, is the cactus-based extract from the desert regions of southern Africa, where tribesmen are said to have relied on the plant to keep hunger at bay during long expeditions. If you're looking to reduce your caloric intake, this might be your ticket to a slimmer, fitter you.

Watch the impurities fall out of your body

If you're at least as old as I am, you'll remember how much fun it was as a kid to play around with Polaroids. You load the film, snap a picture using the camera that, by today's standards, probably looks more like a tank than anything else, and watch the photo come alive before your eyes.

A product called CleansePatch sort of reminds me of those old Polaroids, if you ask me. Except it is supposed to help cleanse and detoxify your body. It goes like this: You attach the patch to the soles of your feet and go to bed. When you wake up the following morning, you'll see that the patch has become dark -- that's all the impurities, including toxins and metals that you were carrying around in your body.

Go for the free samples and other perks

Don't let companies jerk you around with misleading product descriptions and bogus claims; as a consumer in today's vast market for dietary products, you have the right to simply say no and move on to another, more promising supplement -- like an item found at www MiracleBurn com.

This capsule-based supplement contains both Hoodia and Advantra-Z -- two natural extracts that are highly regarded by experts and laymen alike -- and is available via free trial offers directly from the company. I just feel like you have nothing to lose by signing up for a free sample.

Use creams to complement supplements

You can get by with using some of the most promising dietary supplements, including those that contain some combination of an appetite suppressant like Hoodia Gordonii and a patented fat burner like Advantra-Z (the patented form of Bitter OrangeExtract).

But to really take those effects to the next level, you might benefit from a topical cream like the Miracle Burn Cream, which is said to contain all-natural extracts that soothe the skin, smooth out uneven skin tone and promote a healthier, fitter appearance. Check out the official Web site for more.