Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Don't overlook good customer service

When I'm browsing the aisles -- both in person and virtually through online retailers -- I make sure to keep a mental checklist of things the product fulfills and areas in which it is lacking. The obvious ones are the ingredients and the money-back offer; but don't forget the importance of good customer service either.

When you're purchasing a $3 meal replacement bar or a$2 healthful beverage, you're not going to lose sleep over the bad customer service you got when you called up the company's hotline. However, when you're investing $50 or more on a weight loss supplement, you expect to get the attention you deserve should any problems arise.

That's why products like Removyl, which is advertised as highly effective for weight loss support but may be backed by a shoddy company, could disappoint. The official Web site seems out of date and calls/e-mails to the company may not go through.

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