Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Comprehensive detox systems for weight loss

Puranol is a brand of detox products marketed towards dieters and fitness enthusiasts looking to cleanse their bodies in preparation for a new weight management program or just to optimize their health and wellness.

Broken down into three individual formulas, the ingredients collectively may include Aloe Vera Leaf, Fig Fruit, Uva Ursi Leaf, Oat, Soy Fiber, L-Glutamine, Artichoke Standardized Extract, Chamomile, Jujube Fruit, Chromium, Green Tea and Gymnema Sylvestre.

Green Tea might be considered a weight loss aid, depending on who you ask, but the components as a whole do not really yell weight loss. The natural

The treasures of the sea

A dietary supplement called SeaThin is advertised as a high-quality formula for stimulating the metabolism and burning more fat. It is comprised of ingredients found in the sea, such as seaweed, according to reports.

The specific list of ingredients looks something like this: Brown Seaweed Concentrate, Pomegranate Oil and Olive Oil Extract. This is by no means comprehensive, and there may be additional filler ingredients that are simply undisclosed.

Seaweed has long been touted as an effective thermogenic, due to its high Iodine content. Iodine has been purported to stimulate the thyroid gland. Still, research on this matter appears to be inconclusive. A more well-regarded thermogenic might be Advantra-Z, the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract available right now.

Lose weight in your sleep

It would be nice if we could lose weight in our sleep, wouldn't it? That's what the makers of Sleep Slim, a dietary supplement, claim can be accomplished with their product. It supposedly speeds up the metabolism and burns fat while you're snoozing.

The concept isn't groundbreaking, but it makes me wonder every time I come across another dietary aid that claims to to this. Yes, some thermogenics and fat burners have been known to continue working in your body even after you begin resting after a workout, but relying solely on this phenomenon in your sleep can be stretching it.

It doesn't help that this particular weight loss supplement does not appear to be backed by an official source of information, such as a list of ingredients and potential side effects. This could be a recipe for disaster; make sure you know exactly what you're putting into your body.

Caffeine can ruin your goals

Unless you're super-addicted to coffee and you down a dozen cups of coffee a day, the Caffeine content probably won't hurt you that much. But combine those few cups of coffee with a dietary supplement that also contains Caffeine, and you might be in trouble.

Caffeine seems to be the main component in a supplement called Slim Quick, which contains Green Tea Extract, Yerba Mate and Caffeine. Of course, both Green Tea and Yerba Mate are natural sources of the stimulant, so this formula appears to be overloaded.

The benefits of jacking yourself up with Caffeine might include more energy and a greater sense of alertness, but the drawbacks are truly a buzz-kill: You'll be hit with jitters and ultimately crash after you come down from the Caffeine high. Plus, it might make it difficult to get a good night's sleep with so much of the stimulant running its course through your body.

Add flavor to your water and lose weight

If you're doing everything you can to maintain optimal health in your everyday lifestyle choices, you would be drinking plenty of water to cleanse your system and keep your body well-hydrated.

And if you want to enhance the effects of drinking that water, you can add SlimShot to a glass or bottle of water three times a day. It comes in a morning, afternoon and evening formula to address the different needs that strike us during the course of a typical day.

For instance, the morning formula boosts energy levels, so you can ditch the Caffeine-loaded morning coffee. The afternoon formula suppresses appetite, so you won't cheat and overeat at lunchtime. And finally, the evening formula stimulates the metabolism and burns fat.

The great thing is that you can simply add this to an existing weight management regimen and use it in conjunction with a supplement you might already be taking.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Taking your love for asparagus to the next level

I like asparagus, but I'm not sure how I would feel about a weight loss supplement that exclusively contains this vegetable and nothing else. That's what you'll get with Lepto Trim, a supplement for women and men looking to lose weight.

The formula doesn't seem to contain anything else, and while asparagus is tasty and contains many nutrients that are good for your body, I'm not convinced that it's enough to promote the weight loss I'm looking for -- in the short- and long-term.

I mean, if you wanted you could just incorporate more asparagus into your diet, instead of spending more money on supplements like this one. You should be shooting for supplements that contain higher-level weight loss aids such as fat burners and appetite suppressants.

Iodine supplements for weight loss

A supplement called Iodoral is advertised as an effective weight loss aid for people looking to achieve both immediate and lasting weight loss. The main ingredient, Iodine, apparently has many proponents, though evidence may be scant.

It is unclear if the product contains any other promising weight loss aids, but considering that each bottle costs around $70, I would be very disappointed if it didn't contain the highest-quality weight loss agents around.

These might include Hoodia Gordonii, which is regarded as a leading all-natural appetite suppressant, and Advantra-Z, the only known patented form of Citrus Aurantium (Bitter Orange Extract) around at this time.

Don't give up hope

We're all in the same boat when it comes to reaching our weight management goals. We try hard to watch what we eat and get enough exercise but always seem to fall just when we feel we've got our groove. What can be done about it?

The important thing is to look ahead at your goals and not behind you at your shortcomings. Losing weight is not easy, and it's harder to keep it off with so many temptations to slack off and backslide. Don't veer off your diet too far, and make sure to exercise as often as possible.

You might also benefit from some supplementation, whether it be a capsule-based product that contains an appetite suppressant and fat burner or a topical cream like Miracleburn Cream, which seems to have helped a lot of people reach their goals.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mixed consumer reviews: What do you make of them?

A well-marketed weight loss supplement called Hydroxycut is on the market for women and men who would like to achieve lasting weight loss and burn off unwanted body fat. The formula seems to be marketed as holistic and based entirely on natural ingredients.

The formula consists of familiar ingredients in the dietary aid industry such as Garcinia Cambogia, Caffeine, Green Tea Extract and Guarana Seed Extract. It's worth noting that such a formula relies heavily on the Caffeine content. (Guarana and Green Tea are essentially natural sources of this stimulant.)

But I feel it's important to bring the consumer's attention to some of the reported side effects of using this product, as indicated by the user-submitted comments and testimonials found online. These side effects may include dizziness, elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate.

If it worked for rats, it can work for you, right?

I'm not sure how other consumers take this, but I find it funny how companies conclude that a weight loss product -- or skin care item, sexual enhancement formula, etc. -- will work for you because they tested it on rats, mice and God knows what else.

A supplement called Fuco Thin is positioned on the market as a fat burner for women and men who would like to shed a few pounds and target the problem areas like the belly, thighs and buttocks. It seems the main ingredients are extracts derived from Pomegranate Seed Oil and Marine Algae.

Why would you risk using a totally ineffective -- not to mention harmful -- product when there are perfectly safe, proven alternatives on the market? No matter how adventurous you are, when it comes to weight management it would behoove you to stick to the well-beaten path. That means a well-balanced diet, some exercise and smart supplementation choices.

Dietary aids for women with menopause

A supplement called Estrind is billed as an effective weight loss formula for women who might also be dealing with the adverse symptoms associated with menopause. According to the company, the product is based on naturally derived ingredients.

The ingredients may be as follows: Yerba Mate, Caffeine, Guarana, Damiana, Green Tea, Ginger, Kola Nut, Ginseng, Cocoa Nut and Jujube. It's no surprise to see Yerba Mate, Caffeine, Guarana and Green Tea -- these are loaded with Caffeine, which is touted as an effective weight loss aid by many -- but I don't see the relevance of these components for menopausal relief.

It's clear that men and women have different weight management needs, but it's also evident that any dieter or fitness enthusiast can benefit from suppressing their appetite a bit to reduce caloric intake. To that end, a proven herbal appetite suppressant like Hoodia might do the trick.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ready, set, starve yourself!

There's a pretty popular diet called the Cambridge Diet that is touted by the "experts" as one of the time-tested, fail-safe weight loss programs for anybody serious about their goals. According to some accounts, this diet has been around for decades, though how successful it has been is up for debate.

The basic idea is that you have to reduce your carb intake, which might be fine and dandy. But the problem is that you're forced to reduce your caloric intake to near-starvation levels. Now, I know what you're thinking. If it works, you'd be willing to try anything. But seriously, it's not worth jeopardizing your long-term health.

Instead of starving yourself, try eating five smaller meals a day instead of three larger ones. This way, you have a steady flow of nutrients and you're not as prone to overeating or overindulging. Then get some exercise into your daily regimen. Even a few minutes of walking or jogging is helpful. And finally, try an herbal supplement that contains a proven fat burner like Advantra-Z and the appetite suppressant Hoodia.

It would be nice to lose weight without doing a damn thing...

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it seems nothing is working and those pounds are not going away. Or if they are, they seem to come back the next day. When you're in these dire straits, you might be tempted to reach for the pills that promise to work instantaneously without any side effects or drawbacks.

But you know better. There's really no such thing as a do-it-all product that is effective in and of itself. If you want to achieve lasting weight loss, you have to put some hard work in. That means eat right, exercise and take an herbal supplement. And I'm not talking about a pill like the one marketed at

That product contains an ingredient called Caralluma Fimbriata, which some say can suppress the appetite. Of course, suppressing hunger and reducing caloric intake is an old trick that might work if you play it right. But I'm not sold on this particular appetite suppressant. It doesn't seem to have as much support as Hoodia, as far as testimonials and studies go.

Patch yourself up to detoxify

There might be no such thing as a miracle pill that helps you lose weight or get rid of that belly, but lately there have been many advancements in this technology that may be worth considering. For example, some patches can help you detoxify your body without requiring crazy dietary changes.

If you've never heard of a product called Cleanse Patch, you can check out the official Web site and prepare to be amazed. Now, this is probably not the only product like this, but judging by how many positive testimonials there are, I'd say this is as good a bet as you'll find anywhere.

You just slap that baby on the soles of your feet and go to bed. When you wake up, remove the patch and prepare to be amazed at how many toxins and impurities were extracted from your body. All that black stuff? As nasty as it might be, it was all in your body not 10 hours ago.

The belt that can save the day (sort of)

No matter what cartoon you or your siblings watched growing up, your superhero of choice likely had a lot of tricks up his sleeve -- or in that super-cool utility belt. It seems that whenever Batman was in a jam, for instance, he'd pull a smoke screen, or a tracking device, or a batarang from his belt and boom, he saves the day.

Well, we're grown up now and we don't believe in things like that, right? So you can imagine my surprise when I came across a product called TheFlexBelt, which was backed by numerous success stories submitted by adults like you and I. Grown men and women pretending to be superheroes with utility belts? Not quite.

This belt takes full advantage of Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to work out the abs without requiring anything more from you than to wear the belt and look good. You can wear it to work, wear it while out jogging, or even while you're watching TV. Villains beware: We've got our belt and we're not afraid to use it.

Moderating the caloric intake

No, you don't have to starve yourself and subsist on water and cabbage to meet your weight loss goals (you'd be surprised at the crazy ideas that are out there!), but you probably do need to cut down on the calories a bit. But how can you do this with so much yummy food everywhere you go?

We're all in the same boat. We can all probably manage to go a day or two -- or maybe three if you're especially tough -- but you're prone to caving into those random cravings. What you need is a good appetite suppressant to reduce your hunger and keep those cravings in check.

Enter Hoodia Gordonii. This herbal extract goes by just Hoodia and probably owes much of its popularity to TV shows and news programs like Oprah. In any case, products like the one found at are said to be effective because they mimic the effects of Hoodia in its natural form.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

They won't take no for an answer

Have you ever gotten into an argument over someone that swears by those traditional remedies passed down from generation to generation and is bent on convincing you that it works? I once got into a somewhat heated exchange with a friend about the purported benefits of drinking herbal teas to boost weight loss.

The tea in question was Oolong, which has supposedly been consumed for hundreds of years in certain Asian cultures, and is purported as being an effective health aid. Well, my friend -- let's call him Jimmy -- insisted that he was able to lose about nine pounds in three weeks just by drinking this "miracle" tea.

The specific brand of Oolong tea he was drinking is WuYi Tea. Well, what Jimmy didn't tell me was how nasty the tea tastes -- it's bitter, to say the least -- and that he was also watching his caloric intake and also jogging every morning. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that maybe it's not just the tea that was promoting the weight loss: You also need a well-balanced regimen of a healthy diet and exercise, too.

Get bloated with Fiber!

We all grew up having been told that Fiber is good for you and to get enough of it into our diets if we want our digestive systems to be healthy, among other purported benefits. But relying on this nutrient for weight management support? Really? Is it worth going out of your way to get more into your system?

The basic idea is that Fiber is good at absorbing water, so it'll expand in your stomach and induce a feeling of fullness. A full you equals less food consumed and less calories you need to take into account. But is this really the best way to control your appetite? I mean, too much Fiber, and you might be facing plumbing issues, and I'm not talking about your bathtub drainage issues. So maybe a supplement like Zetacap, which is almost entirely Fiber-based, might not be option numero uno for most of us.

I know I beat this to death, but I really like Hoodia Gordonii, not only from all the good things I've heard and read about it, but from personal experience. I'm a very superstitious person to begin with, but while I was on a Hoodia-based formula, I found that I thought less about food and got through the day without torturing myself with thoughts of indulging in sweets and burgers, and pizza, and, ah well, you get the idea.

Hoodia or Slimaluma... Which is better?

If you take a few minutes to survey the Web for the best appetite suppressant on the market today, your results might be whittled down to two ingredients: Hoodia Gordonii and SLIMALUMA. These two are at the center of some of the most successful and popular weight loss supplements, or so it seems to me.

So when I was faced with the choice between the two, I was torn. I take my health and wellness very seriously, so I tend to get anal about my dietary supplements. Anyway, judging by all the good things I'd been hearing about both of these ingredients, I decided to look for a formula that combines both of them.

I came across a capsule-based product called Nuphedrine, which contains Hoodia and SLIMALUMA, as well as a patented fat burner called Advantra-Z. The appetite suppressants both send signals to the brain telling it the body feels full, while the fat burner boosts the metabolic rate and acts as a thermogenic. It's a win-win situation I think.

EMS-based products that are FDA-approved

Everything seems to be abbreviated and acronym-based these days. We all want to get straight to the point and see quick results, right? Well, that is apparently what's on the minds of the makers of those electric belts that stimulate the abdominal muscles to whip them into shape.

Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology appears to be exclusive to a product called the Flex Belt, which is said to have been cleared by the FDA to help men and women get their bellies into shape. This area is often the hardest to slim down, so we can use all the help we can get!

The belt's effectiveness may stem from the fact that it wields "three pre-positioned, medical-grade GelPads" that target all the muscles in the abdominal region, including the upper and lower abs as well as the obliques. Use it daily for two weeks and then cut it down to two or three days of use, and you just might be on your way to slimmer, sexier abs! Or so they say.. :)

What is liposome delivery technology?

It has become a phenomenon in the cosmetics and nutritional products industry: Liposome Delivery Technology, which basically means that the contents of the product -- whether it be a cream, gel or other topical solution -- are delivered exactly where they need to go in the body.

This might come especially in handy when you're talking about topical weight loss products, like the Miracle Fat Burning Cream that seems to be the subject of discussion lately on the Web. I'm finding that few people are actually interested in the liposome technology, though they like that the product seems to be working.

It contains naturally derived ingredients like Organic Caffeine, Organic Lecithin, Organic Safflower Nut Oil and Organic Aloe Vera. That's a lot of Organic! The Caffeine content shouldn't worry anybody -- the jitters associated with consuming too much of the natural stimulant is not an issue here since it's applied topically.