Saturday, June 7, 2008

What is liposome delivery technology?

It has become a phenomenon in the cosmetics and nutritional products industry: Liposome Delivery Technology, which basically means that the contents of the product -- whether it be a cream, gel or other topical solution -- are delivered exactly where they need to go in the body.

This might come especially in handy when you're talking about topical weight loss products, like the Miracle Fat Burning Cream that seems to be the subject of discussion lately on the Web. I'm finding that few people are actually interested in the liposome technology, though they like that the product seems to be working.

It contains naturally derived ingredients like Organic Caffeine, Organic Lecithin, Organic Safflower Nut Oil and Organic Aloe Vera. That's a lot of Organic! The Caffeine content shouldn't worry anybody -- the jitters associated with consuming too much of the natural stimulant is not an issue here since it's applied topically.

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