Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Patch yourself up to detoxify

There might be no such thing as a miracle pill that helps you lose weight or get rid of that belly, but lately there have been many advancements in this technology that may be worth considering. For example, some patches can help you detoxify your body without requiring crazy dietary changes.

If you've never heard of a product called Cleanse Patch, you can check out the official Web site and prepare to be amazed. Now, this is probably not the only product like this, but judging by how many positive testimonials there are, I'd say this is as good a bet as you'll find anywhere.

You just slap that baby on the soles of your feet and go to bed. When you wake up, remove the patch and prepare to be amazed at how many toxins and impurities were extracted from your body. All that black stuff? As nasty as it might be, it was all in your body not 10 hours ago.

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