Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Caffeine can ruin your goals

Unless you're super-addicted to coffee and you down a dozen cups of coffee a day, the Caffeine content probably won't hurt you that much. But combine those few cups of coffee with a dietary supplement that also contains Caffeine, and you might be in trouble.

Caffeine seems to be the main component in a supplement called Slim Quick, which contains Green Tea Extract, Yerba Mate and Caffeine. Of course, both Green Tea and Yerba Mate are natural sources of the stimulant, so this formula appears to be overloaded.

The benefits of jacking yourself up with Caffeine might include more energy and a greater sense of alertness, but the drawbacks are truly a buzz-kill: You'll be hit with jitters and ultimately crash after you come down from the Caffeine high. Plus, it might make it difficult to get a good night's sleep with so much of the stimulant running its course through your body.

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