Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hoodia or Slimaluma... Which is better?

If you take a few minutes to survey the Web for the best appetite suppressant on the market today, your results might be whittled down to two ingredients: Hoodia Gordonii and SLIMALUMA. These two are at the center of some of the most successful and popular weight loss supplements, or so it seems to me.

So when I was faced with the choice between the two, I was torn. I take my health and wellness very seriously, so I tend to get anal about my dietary supplements. Anyway, judging by all the good things I'd been hearing about both of these ingredients, I decided to look for a formula that combines both of them.

I came across a capsule-based product called Nuphedrine, which contains Hoodia and SLIMALUMA, as well as a patented fat burner called Advantra-Z. The appetite suppressants both send signals to the brain telling it the body feels full, while the fat burner boosts the metabolic rate and acts as a thermogenic. It's a win-win situation I think.

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