Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lose weight in your sleep

It would be nice if we could lose weight in our sleep, wouldn't it? That's what the makers of Sleep Slim, a dietary supplement, claim can be accomplished with their product. It supposedly speeds up the metabolism and burns fat while you're snoozing.

The concept isn't groundbreaking, but it makes me wonder every time I come across another dietary aid that claims to to this. Yes, some thermogenics and fat burners have been known to continue working in your body even after you begin resting after a workout, but relying solely on this phenomenon in your sleep can be stretching it.

It doesn't help that this particular weight loss supplement does not appear to be backed by an official source of information, such as a list of ingredients and potential side effects. This could be a recipe for disaster; make sure you know exactly what you're putting into your body.

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