Saturday, June 7, 2008

Get bloated with Fiber!

We all grew up having been told that Fiber is good for you and to get enough of it into our diets if we want our digestive systems to be healthy, among other purported benefits. But relying on this nutrient for weight management support? Really? Is it worth going out of your way to get more into your system?

The basic idea is that Fiber is good at absorbing water, so it'll expand in your stomach and induce a feeling of fullness. A full you equals less food consumed and less calories you need to take into account. But is this really the best way to control your appetite? I mean, too much Fiber, and you might be facing plumbing issues, and I'm not talking about your bathtub drainage issues. So maybe a supplement like Zetacap, which is almost entirely Fiber-based, might not be option numero uno for most of us.

I know I beat this to death, but I really like Hoodia Gordonii, not only from all the good things I've heard and read about it, but from personal experience. I'm a very superstitious person to begin with, but while I was on a Hoodia-based formula, I found that I thought less about food and got through the day without torturing myself with thoughts of indulging in sweets and burgers, and pizza, and, ah well, you get the idea.

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