Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Moderating the caloric intake

No, you don't have to starve yourself and subsist on water and cabbage to meet your weight loss goals (you'd be surprised at the crazy ideas that are out there!), but you probably do need to cut down on the calories a bit. But how can you do this with so much yummy food everywhere you go?

We're all in the same boat. We can all probably manage to go a day or two -- or maybe three if you're especially tough -- but you're prone to caving into those random cravings. What you need is a good appetite suppressant to reduce your hunger and keep those cravings in check.

Enter Hoodia Gordonii. This herbal extract goes by just Hoodia and probably owes much of its popularity to TV shows and news programs like Oprah. In any case, products like the one found at are said to be effective because they mimic the effects of Hoodia in its natural form.

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