Monday, June 16, 2008

If it worked for rats, it can work for you, right?

I'm not sure how other consumers take this, but I find it funny how companies conclude that a weight loss product -- or skin care item, sexual enhancement formula, etc. -- will work for you because they tested it on rats, mice and God knows what else.

A supplement called Fuco Thin is positioned on the market as a fat burner for women and men who would like to shed a few pounds and target the problem areas like the belly, thighs and buttocks. It seems the main ingredients are extracts derived from Pomegranate Seed Oil and Marine Algae.

Why would you risk using a totally ineffective -- not to mention harmful -- product when there are perfectly safe, proven alternatives on the market? No matter how adventurous you are, when it comes to weight management it would behoove you to stick to the well-beaten path. That means a well-balanced diet, some exercise and smart supplementation choices.

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