Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ready, set, starve yourself!

There's a pretty popular diet called the Cambridge Diet that is touted by the "experts" as one of the time-tested, fail-safe weight loss programs for anybody serious about their goals. According to some accounts, this diet has been around for decades, though how successful it has been is up for debate.

The basic idea is that you have to reduce your carb intake, which might be fine and dandy. But the problem is that you're forced to reduce your caloric intake to near-starvation levels. Now, I know what you're thinking. If it works, you'd be willing to try anything. But seriously, it's not worth jeopardizing your long-term health.

Instead of starving yourself, try eating five smaller meals a day instead of three larger ones. This way, you have a steady flow of nutrients and you're not as prone to overeating or overindulging. Then get some exercise into your daily regimen. Even a few minutes of walking or jogging is helpful. And finally, try an herbal supplement that contains a proven fat burner like Advantra-Z and the appetite suppressant Hoodia.

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