Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Health and wellness gadgets for the wealthy

The typical dieter might focus his or her budget on things such as healthful foods, supplements, fitness products and perhaps a gym membership. With careful budgeting, we don't have to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars all the time to meet our weight loss goals, despite what companies will try to have us purchase. Consider that there are many products that are vastly over-priced.

BodyGem seems to be a nifty device for measuring resting metabolic rate. The product enables us to measure changes in metabolism, which could come in handy for our weight loss goals. However, while other comparable devices are known to cost less than $100, this company charges a whopping $800 for the gadget -- and this is without any of the addable options.

Curbing your spending on supplements

Lean times call for prudent spending, and these are lean times if I've ever seen them. Americans are cutting costs in areas such as recreation and health and wellness, not to mention housing and transportation. And yet, there seems to be an ever-increasing amount of weight loss supplements that cost way more than most dieters would be willing to spend. What's going on here?

Anorex is an example of a supplement that appears to cost way more than its formula and reception by the dieting community would justify. The formula, based on natural ingredients like Commiphora Mukul and Garcina Cambogia, is marketed as a fat burner and general weight loss aid. However, without proven dietary agents like Hoodia and Advantra-Z, I don't see how the company could justify charging around $150 for a one-month supply.

To burn fat the right way, look to the Bitter Orange

We all want to burn fat and slim down as we lose weight, but this seems hard to do -- especially with trouble areas like the abs and the buttocks. Companies claim that their fat burners can target these problem areas by zapping the fat on the spot, or by blocking the absorption of dietary fats. The idea sounds good, but are these reliable options for lasting weight loss support?

Adicor is a supplement that is marketed as a "complete fat-loss system." The formula is supposed to contain a broad range of ingredients, which may include stimulants. It seems the formula is supposed to act as a thermogenic, meaning heat is used to boost the metabolism and burn more fat. Unfortunately, I don't see Advantra-Z listed as one of the ingredients. Advantra-Z is the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract, a proven fat burner, at this time.

Overcoming obesity in ... just three days?

My ears perk up just as much as the next person when I hear about a weight loss product or diet plan that claims to show results in a matter of days. Indeed, some companies say that their methods can even cause overnight weight loss, though in most cases this is likely to be water weight drawn out by a laxative/diuretic. So, is short-term weight loss possible?

Sure it is. But I'm not so sure that this is the answer to our problems. We might enjoy a few days, or even a week or two, of reduced weight, but what happens a month from now, a year from now and so on? That's why a program promoted in books like the 3 Day Diet might not be the smartest choices. These types of diets tend to mislead readers into thinking we can solve all our weight issues in a matter of days -- true weight loss is a long-term process.

Identifying the supplement and what it can and can't do

One of the more common mistakes dieters make is to purchase a supplement that turns out to be nothing more than a multi-vitamin or multi-mineral, or another general health and wellness formula. A good weight loss product should contain proven dietary aids like Hoodia, an appetite suppressant that has been proven to help us reduce caloric intake -- without experiencing unpleasant side effects.

On the other hand, the 2 Day Slim Down is a supplement that appears to be billed as a comprehensive formula for weight loss support. Some of the purported benefits include reduced cravings, increased energy levels and even detoxification. However, the formula includes rather mild ingredients like Sumac Tea, Licorice Root Tea and Burdock Root Tea, none of which are well-regarded dietary agents.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is your Hoodia source authentic?

If you inspect the majority of companies on the market that have a weight loss formula out there based on Hoodia, chances are that they do not get their supplies from authentic sources. This could jeopardize the potency levels of the Hoodia extract, which does not translate to our advantage as dieters. In other cases, the Hoodia found in the formula might be watered down with cheap fillers.

That's why when I look at a company that markets Hoodia supplements, such as Chitogenics, I make sure to find out if the source if authentic. The company markets all kinds of supplements, including Original Cleanse and Detox System and the PowerUp supplement. However, it seems the Hoodia has not been certified as authentic for this company's appetite suppressants.

Brazil is a source of many nutrients

No matter what industry you check out for health and wellness support, you are likely to find at least a handful of ingredients that are native to Brazil. Examples include Muira Puama for male sexual enhancement and Yerba Mate for general nutritional and weight loss support. While some of these products may be useful, you might come across many other ingredients that might not be as good as advertised.

Cha de Bugre is a natural substance that comes from a tree native to Brazil and is believed by some to have fat-burning properties. It contains Caffeine, which in small amounts may be okay but in excess can have negative effects, so you probably want to avoid formulas that contain additional Caffeine. But for fat-burning support, I'd much rather go for Advantra-Z, the proven, patented form of Bitter Orange Extract, a known thermogenic.

Massage your way to weight loss?

It might make sense to try a topical product to help eliminate some of the fat in trouble areas such as the thighs and abdomen area, considering that you may have had a hard time thus far trying to eliminate the fat through conventional methods. But before you go out and buy the first topical cream, gel or lotion that claims to be a magical formula, consider that only a select few items are worth trying.

Celrase may not be one of them, based on the formula: Cyclomethicone, Lauroyl Proline, Quinoa Seed Extract and Squalane make up the product, along with other ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid. This last ingredient is considered a good water-binding agent, but I'm not sure this -- or any other ingredient in this formula -- is good for fat loss support. I think Organic Safflower Oil and Organic Aloe Vera, for instance, might be better alternatives.

Be critical of topical weight loss formulas

I do believe that there are worthwhile topical weight loss agents on the market, but I also think that the majority of the products out there will not be effective. The reason for this is clearly because of the sub-standard formulas I've been seeing in most of the products for sale. The more conventional method of weight loss support might be oral supplementation, but if you insist on topical support make sure to check the formulas.

Cellulean is a topical gel that claims to promote a lot of fat loss in a relatively short time. Indeed, the company claims the product is "the most powerful liposuction alternative ever formulated for home use." But with ingredients like Yohimbe, Transcutol and Vitamins A and E, I'm not sure anyone will see the results they're hoping for. That's the danger of going with companies that hype their products up so much.

Test for authenticity

When you're looking to purchase a dietary supplement to help you lose weight, make sure that the product contains proven natural ingredients. There are many companies out there that seem to be trying to cash in on the lucrative weight loss market, with formulas that might not be authentic. (Many companies appear to be marketing formulas based on ingredients that are supposedly native to South America.)

The Brazilian Diet Pill is a weight loss formula that supposedly contains ingredients like Garcinia Cambogia, Gotu Kola and Carqueja. Of these, only Carqueja is considered a native Brazilian ingredient -- and it isn't even regarded as a potent weight loss agent. Instead, reports indicate that it merely acts as a laxative, which gives off the illusion of promoting weight loss by ridding the body temporarily of water weight.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Curbing our budgets for weight loss support

If you are in it to lose weight and keep it off for the long run, then you realize that you may have to watch your budget closely. The health foods, exercise equipment, weight loss supplements and other components might add up in cost. That's why I like to make sure that I am getting the most bang for my buck, especially when it comes to the dietary supplements I choose to take.

At Almased com we see a weight loss kit that includes a Protein shake and various guides and tools to help us stay on track. I'm not totally against relying on Protein shakes for weight loss support -- they can be very nutritious -- but I'm not so sure about paying $100 for this kit. You can spend a fraction of that for a good supplement based on a fat burner like Advantra-Z and an appetite suppressant such as Hoodia.

Sounds good to be able to eat whatever we want

Those advertisers sure know how to get our attention with weight loss products. There are so many supplements, creams, etc. that claim to be capable of promoting fat loss -- even if we eat cheeseburgers, cheese steaks and pizza everyday. These types of products usually say that the formula contains ingredients that block or absorb the fat, which is not as effective as you might think.

The Alli Diet Pill may be considered one of the more popular supplements to advertise such fat-blocking benefits. It is supposed to let us block up 25 percent of dietary fats, which seems like a good deal. But the product might lead us to falsely believe that we don't have to reduce our caloric intake or exercise one bit. This promotes a sedentary lifestyle without any discipline, which is a formula for failure.

What is the big deal with Caffeine anyway?

You might drink coffee every morning and feel fine during the rest of the day, but others might experience jitters and crashing throughout the day -- especially if they are addicted to the beverage and others such as Caffeine-infused soft drinks. Some might say that Caffeine is a good fat-burner, or thermogenic, but reports suggest that the potential benefits do not outweigh the cons.

Akavar2050 is a supplement based on ingredients like Green Tea, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Guarana. Guarana and Green Tea are natural sources of Caffeine, so I don't like the idea of taking these pills everyday, especially for the coffee addicts out there. There are better options, such as the only patented form of Bitter Orange Extract available today, Advantra-Z.

Quick weight loss is questionable

I think it really is possible to lose a lot of weight in a short time -- if you want to keep the way off for just a few days, that is. That's because these magical products advertised everywhere do not tend to be good options for long-term weight loss. (All the lost weight is likely to be water and muscle weight, which inevitably come back after a few days anyway.)

Accelis claims to be a Caffeine-free fat-burning formula for losing "10.65 pounds fast!" I'm not sure where the company came up with this figure, but it is not likely to be based on concrete evidence and clinical studies. Ingredients like Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Chamomile Extract, White Tea and Passionflower make up the formula. But while these may be Caffeine-free versions, I don't see any promising fat burner or an appetite suppressant like Hoodia.

To burn fat more effectively

You hear of all kinds of weight loss supplements that claim to boost the body's fat-burning properties, but what kinds of ingredients do these formulas consist of? You really do need to get a closer look at these components if you want to be confident that the product will work anywhere near as effectively as advertised. Unfortunately, many consumers might not pay attention to this.

AbGone is a supplement that bills itself as a natural fat burner, with ingredients such as Vitamin C, Zinc, Chromium, CLA, L-Leucine, L-Valine and Dandelion Root. Some say that CLA can boost the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in the body, but as a fat burner it has only been studied in animals. For better fat-burning potential, Advantra-Z might be a better option.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meal replacement is not the same as weight loss support

You could incorporate some meal replacement products into your diet plan to help you reach your goals of losing weight, but to rely on these items entirely might not be the best idea. You might be familiar with the concept of meal replacement bars or protein shakes, both of which fall into this brand of dieting. But these food products tend to be limited to offering general nutritional support, not actually triggering weight loss.

Almased is a system that includes the Multi-Protein Powder, a program guide, a diet book and a measuring cup. The protein shake is said to be based on 52 percent Soy Protein, 25 percent Honey Enzyme and 22 percent Skim Milk Yogurt. This sounds very healthful, but again, these ingredients will not help you burn more fat or even suppress your appetite -- two things you absolutely want out of your supplement.

Block the fat so you can eat anything...

It's amazing what some weight loss supplements claim to be capable of doing, such as blocking fat from being absorbed by the body and promoting up to 15 pounds of weight loss overnight. But we all know better, and we understand that successful weight loss takes time and effort (even though that's not the sexy answer). So we should all be equipped to make smart buying decisions when it comes to supplements.

Then there are supplements like the Alli diet pill, which claim to be capable of preventing the absorption of up to 25 percent of fats. This might lead some of us to envision eating fast food for breakfast, greasy burgers for lunch and a pizza pie for dinner, but not so fast -- there is little research at this point indicating that this product's ingredients can deliver as advertised.

On the contrary, reports indicate that users experience side effects ranging from explosive diarrhea to oily stools and anal leakage.

Weight loss products that are way off the mark

Some weight loss supplements contain maybe one standout ingredient like Hoodia or Advantra-Z, and you might consider trying them if a free sample offer is available and if there are numerous consumer success stories backing up the company's claims. But there are many dietary supplements that seem to be way off the mark, so I hope that no one is actually buying these.

Akavar 20 50, for instance, is a supplement that is advertised as capable of both promoting weight loss and supporting overall health and wellness. The product appears to include ingredients like Guarana Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract and Vitamin B6. I'm not too keen on Guarana and or Green Tea -- though the beverage is another story -- because they are high in Caffeine.

Don't look to save a few bucks for fitness equipment

Many of us have some type of exercise equipment stashed in our homes, though whether we use them frequently or not is a different story. I guess most of us think that merely having the machine or device will encourage us to want to exercise more, but it rarely works out that way, does it? But hopefully you didn't purchase a cheap fitness product because you were drawn to the bargain-basement prices.

Ab Rail is a device that is supposed to help us perform crunches, which to me seems like a waste of money. Products that try to convince us that we can perform these exercises without breaking a sweat might be leading us on. After all, the best workouts are the ones with high intensity levels and a lot of sweat. At $15 for this particular ab-workout product, I think I'll look for higher-quality alternatives if anything.

The better way to stimulate the metabolism

I think burning more fat is at the top of everyone's wish lists, or they wouldn't be looking for a supplement in the first place. (Appetite suppression is the other popular desire among dieters.) But before you even think about buying a fat burner, consider that the vast majority of weight loss supplements that claim to do this for have not been proven to come through.

Ab Gone is a supplement that apparently includes ingredients like Vitamin C, Zinc, Dandelion Root, L-Leucine, L-Valine and CLA. The inclusion of CLA might lead some to get excited, since some enthusiasts claim this ingredient can promote a faster metabolism. However, this has not been proven to be as effective as Advantra-Z, the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract at this time.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Care to use the latest gadgets for weight loss?

You see all kinds of advertisements for little gadgets and machines that promise to help you burn off the fat you've been struggling with forever. Most of these devices seem to be marketed as portable, compact alternatives to the products you see at the clinic or spa. However, if you really think about it, you probably can't replicate the effects of those treatments through consumer products.

But you probably don't need to. With a healthful diet and exercise, along with the right kinds of supplements, you could be well on your way to losing weight and keeping it off. So instead of messing around with products like Velashape, which claims to be capable of burning fat on contact, why not check out a natural supplement based on Hoodia and/or Advantra-Z?

Sugar-coating stimulants: What's the deal here?

Hopefully you are making sure to keep up with the latest trends in the weight loss industry, considering there are new products hitting the market faster than you can say double bacon cheeseburger. This doesn't mean you have to bury yourself in dusty old books and conduct in-depth research at the library, but it does mean you might benefit from checking the review Web sites and official product Web sites online.

The Venom Diet Pill is a supplement that includes ingredients like Hoodia Gordonii, Guarana Seed Extract, L-Tyrosine and L-Carnitine. We're all familiar with Hoodia by now (unless you've been living under a rock!), but many dieters might not be familiar with Guarana. Guarana contains a stimulant called Guaranine, which when broken down is basically likened to Caffeine. Uh oh.

Can you lose weight by drinking diet teas?

It's funny how so many of my friends think that by drinking diet sodas instead of the regular ones, that they could somehow speed up the weight loss process. Sure, the diet formulas contain less calories and maybe even less sugar, but they are likely loaded with artificial sweeteners that could potentially do more harm than plain sugar can. And what about the diet teas?

Wu-Yi Tea is a beverage that is supposed to be based on traditional Asian herbal extracts. Many Americans enjoy tea on a regular basis as a healthier alternative to coffee, soft drinks and other beverages loaded with sugar, stimulants and God knows what else. But in order to lose weight successfully, you need to find something you can stick with. Consider that consumers report that this particular tea has a bad taste.

What is the big deal with Hoodia Gordonii?

If you're skeptical about all of the nutritional supplements on the market that claim to be superior to the competition, I couldn't blame you. There are probably way more ineffective dietary aids out there than useful ones. You've probably tried a few of these, whether they promised to help you block the absorption of dietary fat or they claimed to be capable of promoting overnight weight loss.

But chances are that the supplement you tried did not contain Hoodia Gordonii Extract. If you haven't heard of Hoodia yet, it is the most promising appetite suppressants to come around in a long time. It has been used for generations overseas, whether southern African tribesmen relied on the natural substance to keep hunger at bay. You can find this ingredient in potent quantities in a supplement seen at www.HoodiaP57.com.

A fat burner and appetite suppressant go well together

For those who wish to reduce their caloric intake and burn more fat, a good course of action might be a healthful, nutritious diet along with regular exercise and some supplementation. But not any old supplement will do; you want a formula that contains the best combination of a potent fat burner and a proven appetite suppressant to lose the weight and keep it off.

One of the most well-received weight loss supplements to hit the market in recent years can be found at www.MiracleBurn.com. There you learn about a formula that has Hoodia Gordonii, a proven appetite suppressant, and Advantra-Z, the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract available today. Combined, clinical studies show both short- and long-term support.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is rapid weight loss really possible?

While the pundits say that you can't lose weight rapidly, I'm not so sure that is true. I believe you can lose weight quickly; it's just that you won't keep that weight off for long. You see, most of the weight lost when you hear about people losing five to 10 pounds in a few days is water weight. What happens is after a few days, they invariably regain that weight, with perhaps some more added weight.

Accelis is a supplement that promises this brand of rapid weight loss. The ingredients such as Oolong Tea Extract, Passion Flower Extract and Green Tea do not really seem to be of the highest quality, so I'm not sure how this formula is supposed to be fast-acting, let alone effective in the long run. I would have liked to see a fat burner like Advantra-Z and an appetite suppressant such as Hoodia.

Managing the cravings and hunger pangs

We all know that one of the hardest things about dieting is resisting our cravings and hunger pangs. They seem to strike at any moment and the type of food you're craving changes every time; one minute you want to eat a hot fudge sundae, and the next minute you want a double cheeseburger with fries. What can we do to take control of this part of our dietary journey?

AbGone is a supplement advertised as a superior choice for those who wish to manage their weight better. The formula is supposed to keep cortisol levels in check, with ingredients like L-Leucine, CLA, L-Valine and Chromium. Unfortunately, the product is not likely to help suppress appetite -- I don't see Hoodia or another potent appetite suppressant.

Customizing a plan for your body type

The idea that we need to customize a diet and fitness plan according to our body and blood type is not anything new. The proponents of this school of dietary support claim that no single diet plan will be right for everybody, so we need to tweak the kinds and amounts of food that we eat. Also, targeting specific areas of the body to work out may be reasonable, according to this method.

The 6 Week Body Makeover is a plan that obviously lasts for six weeks, but it encourages us to find a diet and fitness plan that works. However, while it is true that there is no cookie-cutter program that will work for everybody, there are things that everyone ought to do: eating nutritious, healthful foods, exercising on a regular basis and taking high-quality, natural supplements, for instance.

What does a realistic diet plan look like?

There are so many questions out there about what kinds of diet plans will work and what won't. We are worried about the smallest details about whether we are allowed to eat this type of food or whether we should completely avoid other types of foods. And then there is the exercising component to worry about. What is the best method of supporting our weight loss goals?

The 5 Factor Diet is a plan that is marketed as the diet program of choice for the stars. Created by someone named Harley Pasternak, the diet plan has apparently been used by stars such as Kanye West, Jennifer Lopez, Alicia Keys, John Mayer, Jessica Simpson and more. The five-minute meals and the 25-minute workouts focus on efficiency, and "cheat days" keep us happy.

Should I starve myself to promote fat loss?

No matter how many times research shows that starving yourself is not the way to go, people all over the world will still try this as a way to lose weight. Sure, we need to reduce our caloric intake and consume healthful, nutritious foods to reach our weight loss goals, starving ourselves will actually do more harm than good -- especially in the long run.

The 2 Day Slim supplement is liquid-based and is supposed to be consumed during a period of two days, with no other foods allowed. The product seems to contain some nutrients, but it is obviously a short-term solution, if anything at all. The weight that you lose will likely be water and muscle weight, and you will probably regain anything that you do lose.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Harnessing the power of the sea -- are you impressed?

There are some who swear by the purported ability of ingredients and substances in general derived from the sea for promoting overall health and wellness, and, you guess it, promoting weight loss. Most of the supplements you see today based on such components will probably include a form of Seaweed, Kelp or other vegetation that comes from the ocean.

Sea Thin is a supplement that is based on two ingredients: Brown Seaweed and Pomegranate Oil. Seaweed is often used in nutritional supplement because it contains ample amounts of Iodine. However, from a pure weight-loss standpoint, I feel that a supplement should help with practical issues like uncontrollable hunger or a slow metabolism. You can take vitamins and minerals for general nutritional support.

Keeping a fine balance between dieting and exercising

Just as you can't lose the weight you want by focusing too much on the dieting aspect of your program, you can't slim down by emphasizing the fitness component too much as well. The best approach is to acknowledge that both exercise and dieting are important for you to meet your goals, and so you must proceed accordingly. (Plan for both as if you were focusing on each individually.)

The Firm is an exercise program that claims to enable you to burn all the calories and fat you want by following the fitness routines. Supposedly, the program combines cardio workouts with strength-training exercises, which is what you would want ideally from your fitness component. However, some reports say that this program downplays the role a good diet can have -- just a heads up.

The best combo for thorough weight loss

When you finally decide to purchase a dietary supplement, you will probably want to pick up the best available weight loss formula, right? You wouldn't compromise on the quality, even if it means spending more than the $10 or $15 you would need to buy your everyday supplement from the local drugstore. This is because you are serious about your weight loss goals and you want a serious product.

Many dieters check out the Hoodia Advantra Z duo to meet their weight loss needs, since the pair has been shown to both suppress appetite and improve metabolic rate. Better yet, the ingredients are known to be more potent when taken together than when used individually. (And these ingredients are potent as standalone supplements so you can imagine how effective the pairing must be.)

Cleaning out the old pipes with low-maintenance methods

It might come to your attention at some point during your dieting journey that you might benefit from cleansing out your digestive system, or detoxifying your body of metals and other impurities. After all, if your body is bogged down by these toxins all the time, you are not likely to function at full -- let alone normal -- speed, whether for weight loss or for any other endeavor.

But before you go reaching for that colon-cleansing fluid or other foul concoction, consider that there are options available today that might not have even been thought to be possible a few years ago. For instance, the CleansePatch is an alternative method of detoxification that simply requires you to apply the patch to the undersides of your feet for five nights. It's that simple.

Overcome the battle with your appetite with ease

It's easier said than done to maintain a healthful diet that includes reduced caloric intake. It's common knowledge that unless you eat less -- in addition to consuming nutritious foods -- on a regular basis, you probably will not be able to even put a dent in your long-term weight loss goals. And everybody wants to lose the weight and keep it off for as long as possible, right?

The good news is that you don't have to battle your out-of-control appetite by yourself. (As weird as that sounds, it really is a fight between me, myself and I.) A supplement that includes a proven appetite suppressant such as Hoodia Gordonii Extract has been shown in numerous studies to effectively control hunger. If you don't know where to start looking, drop by HoodiaP57.com for a crash course.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The ancient secrets to burning fat with therapeutic treatments

As skeptical as you might be of certain claims made by makers of supplements, there are certain truths that have held up to the test of time. Some, such as the idea that a good weight loss formula will include a potent fat burner and an appetite suppressant, are held in high esteem today. But there are alternative treatments, such as those that involve wrapping your body in therapeutic towels, that may fly under the radar.

Some of the most well-regarded Body Wraps are known to be formulated from Organic substances such as Glacial and Seabed Clays combined with a base of Aloe Vera and a special blend of amino acids. The end result with the right formula is a slimmer waistline, thighs, arms or other areas that cause trouble. Select wraps can actually replicate the effects of the costlier spa treatments you see advertised everywhere.

Sticking to your guns to lose weight -- and keep it off

There is a trend in the weight loss industry that says that you and unique and special, so no single weight loss product or program is appropriate for everybody. This might be true to some extent -- some of us may have smaller weight loss goals than others -- but there are also certain inalienable truths to losing the weight and keeping it off. I find that going back to the basics is always a good way to go.

Then again, a book called Eat Right for Your Blood Type, authored by a Dr. Peter D'Adamo suggests that we need to configure a specific diet depending on our blood type. The idea is that we are all made differently, so we should customize a diet plan to meet our unique needs. However, I'm not sure that some of the author's suggestions, such as eating snails, would jibe with most of our sensibilities. The keys to weight loss as far as I'm concerned? A healthy, nutritious diet, some exercise and some natural supplementation.

Flex those ab muscles -- sort of

We always hear how doing a few crunches and sit-ups a day can help us to achieve that coveted six-pack ("washboard abs") in no time, but are these claims for real? Most of us know today that no matter how many ab workouts you do to strengthen the abs, unless you're also burning the fat off you will not see the fruits of your labor. That's why it might help to seek alternative methods for slimming down and strengthening the abs and waistline.

While many men take supplements to meet their overall health and weight loss needs, more and more men are reportedly looking into how an ab-toning belt can help them reach their goals to slim down. The FlexBelt, for instance, utilizes a form of technology called Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS), which targets all the hard to reach areas of the abs such as the obliques and the lower abs.

Care to help yourself with a book?

I think it might be safe to say that the self-help category of books is among the more popular and growing subjects in literature today. That might be because of the idea that we can somehow coerce ourselves psychologically to make everything right, although in the end we are asked to put in a lot of our fair share of work. Of course, nothing happens overnight, so if you're looking for the easy way out think again.

ICanMakeYouThin is a title authored by Paul McKenna, who is a prolific author in the self-help category. His other titles include I Can Mend Your Broken Heart, Sleep Like a Log and Instant Confidence; the author also has a television show aimed at "helping" others lose weight. But I'm not so sure about the author's claim that it's mind over matter all the time. Sure we need to have strong willpower to succeed, but there are specific steps we need to take to achieve lasting weight loss that might not be addressed in this book.

Target the fat cells if you want to burn them off!

Companies will employ all sorts of tricks to get you to buy their dietary supplements, whether it's by playing up the popularity of certain ingredients or by advertising that you can lose weight overnight (both may be questionable). As a savvy consumer, it is really up to you to learn what is and isn't true as far as claims frequently made by companies, and then to make the best choice.

The MiracleBurn Cream has long been praised by critics as an effective alternative to costly and risky fat-burning procedures. The formula is all-natural, with ingredients like Organic Safflower Nut Oil and Organic Aloe Vera. The product is said to employ a unique liposome delivery technology that deliver the fat-burning components directly to the fat cells, where they are effectively reduced.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Suppress your hunger in your sleep!

There are quite a number of weight loss products out there advertised as capable of suppressing your appetite in your sleep. I suppose this might appeal to those that frequently get up to saunter over to the fridge for a midnight snack, but I'm not really sure that this type of weight loss formula will appeal to the masses. After all, we want to suppress the appetite in our waking hours!

Nite Trim is a nighttime formula for men and women seeking appetite-suppressing support in a capsule. The product supposedly contains Hoodia Gordonii, which is clearly one of the best natural appetite suppressants around. (It contains P57, which signals to the brain when the body feels full.) But I've seen at least a few formulas that contain both Hoodia and a fat burner like Advantra-Z, which together can offer support whether you're awake or resting up in bed.

Combine appetite suppression with fat burning for results

The formula for a good weight loss supplement is pretty simple, according to experts across the industry. You take a natural appetite suppressant proven to "trick" the brain into thinking the body feels full (even if little has actually been eaten) and throw in a natural thermogenic and fat burner, which will help speed up your goals to slim down and achieve the body you always wanted.

At Nuphedrine.com we see the combination of two of the most exciting weight loss agents in recent years, the appetite suppressant Hoodia Gordonii and the fat burner Advantra-Z. Hoodia's effectiveness for suppressing appetite has been well-documented, but Advantra-Z still remains a mystery to many. This ingredient is the only known patented form of Bitter Orange Extract, a powerful thermogenic, available today.

Taking a page out of programs for alcoholics

There seem to be many different options for those who wish to lose weight without being told the same things over again: Eat right, exercise and take some form of natural supplementation. But these three things are the very routines that will help you lose weight in the long run. After all, who wants to lose weight for just a short while, when lasting weight loss is attainable?

Overeaters Anonymous Food Plan is a program that is supposed to use accountability and baby steps to encourage overweight individuals to stick to their plans. The idea seems to be taken out of the pages of the Alcoholics Anonymous program that some people have had success with. Unfortunately, not all overweight people are overeaters, and not everyone will be amenable to the high degree of interaction necessary in this program.

The dangers associated with rapid weight loss

If you thought you could lose as much weight as you wanted without really putting in the time and effort, then think again. Sure, supplements can help you reach your goals, but there isn't any magical pill that will cause you to lose 15 to 20 pounds in less than a week, a claim made by some companies, surprisingly. You need to eat right, exercise and take a good natural supplement.

At the QuickWeightLossCenters located around the country, we are told that we can lose as much weight as we want. The company says that losing three to seven pounds every week is not out of your reach. This should immediately raise some red flags, since losing this much weight this quickly can actually be dangerous. Even if you did lose a lot of weight quickly, you're likely to get it back before you know it.

Two different formulas for morning and nighttime use

If you really want to lose weight and keep it off, your eyes have probably been peeled for any hint of a supplement, topical formula or program that might deliver results. Your search may have led you to some questionable experiences, considering the great number of less-than-promising weight loss products in today's market.

SimplyWeightLoss is a program that includes a daytime and nighttime formula that supposedly consist of herbal ingredients. The program also includes an exercise regimen and other guidelines, but the six-week plan may be a pain simply because of the morning and nighttime formulas that you have to use. They don't even contain a potent appetite suppressant or fat burner.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Know the companies you're purchasing from

It might seem like common sense, but many consumers do not really know the companies they are purchasing from. It is so important to research whether the company has a good reputation for producing quality supplements and good customer service or whether you might be in line for a nightmare experience. The best companies offer perks like free trials, money-back offers and discounts on bulk orders.

But you also want to make sure that the company specializes in weight loss formulas, unless of course you want to support general nutrition and overall health. A brand like MetaSystem advertises many weight loss products, but a closer look reveals that the formulas will serve more appropriately as general nutritional products. For instance, the supplements contains Fiber, Caffeine and other nutrients that might not directly promote weight loss.

You can't have one without the other

I've noticed that the best weight loss supplements on the market today combine a powerful appetite suppressant with the potency of a thermogenic, or fat burner. There are so many supplements that contain one or the other, which likely will not have the same desired effects for most of our purposes. After all, we all need to reduce our caloric intake, and we all would like to burn more fat.

Nutrex Research Lipo 6 is a supplement that appears to be geared mainly towards fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders looking for more energy and enhanced metabolic rate. According to reports, the formula includes ingredients like Synephrine, Caffeine, Guggulsterones and Yohimbine. Synephrine and Caffeine are stimulants that may boost energy, while Yohimbine is said to boost circulation and blood flow. Unfortunately, this formula lacks an appetite suppressant.
Be free of side effects without compromising on quality

I am a fan of weight loss supplements that contain a combination of appetite suppressants and thermogenics, or fat burners, but I avoid formulas that cause side effects like the plague. The whole point of using natural supplements and avoiding prescription drugs is to prevent side effects and other adverse reactions. The sad truth, however, is that many natural supplements on the market will let you down.

When it comes to well-regarded weight loss supplements like MiracleBurn side effects of the more well-known prescription drugs are not relevant. This product contains both Hoodia and Advantra-Z, which have been shown to suppress appetite and burn fat, respectively. Since these components are naturally derived from herb- an plant-based sources, you will not experience jitters, crashing or other adverse reactions associated with stimulants.

The difference between nutrition and weight loss products

Not all healthful supplements and general nutritional formulas will promote weight loss, no matter how much the company insists you will lose all the weight you want. Of course, there is no such thing as the magic pill for overnight weight loss -- you have to eat right and exercise, and a supplement can help speed up these goals. General nutritional supplements, however, may not directly address weight loss issues.

Right Size Smoothies are one of the products marketed by this company, which seems to specialize in meal replacement foods and general nutritional products. The company claims that the formulas are based on ample amounts of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals packed with antioxidant power. Unfortunately, none of the products contain Hoodia, an appetite suppressant, or Advantra-Z, a potent fat burner.

Prescription drugs may not be worth the marginal weight loss

Certain prescription drugs are known to promote weight loss, but most products may cause side effects that don't justify the marginal weight loss results. While even natural supplements may cause undesirable reactions, the risk of experiencing both mild and serious side effects greatly increases when using pharmaceutical-grade drugs -- this is just how it has always been.

Phendimetrazine is an example of one of the more well-known weight loss drugs on the market for those who would like to suppress their appetite. There are actually herbal alternatives that can help with this, such as Hoodia, but proponents of this drug claim this is more potent because it functions as an amphetamine; it also directly interacts with the central nervous system, which may adversely affect blood pressure and heart rate.