Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Don't look to save a few bucks for fitness equipment

Many of us have some type of exercise equipment stashed in our homes, though whether we use them frequently or not is a different story. I guess most of us think that merely having the machine or device will encourage us to want to exercise more, but it rarely works out that way, does it? But hopefully you didn't purchase a cheap fitness product because you were drawn to the bargain-basement prices.

Ab Rail is a device that is supposed to help us perform crunches, which to me seems like a waste of money. Products that try to convince us that we can perform these exercises without breaking a sweat might be leading us on. After all, the best workouts are the ones with high intensity levels and a lot of sweat. At $15 for this particular ab-workout product, I think I'll look for higher-quality alternatives if anything.

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