Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Overcoming obesity in ... just three days?

My ears perk up just as much as the next person when I hear about a weight loss product or diet plan that claims to show results in a matter of days. Indeed, some companies say that their methods can even cause overnight weight loss, though in most cases this is likely to be water weight drawn out by a laxative/diuretic. So, is short-term weight loss possible?

Sure it is. But I'm not so sure that this is the answer to our problems. We might enjoy a few days, or even a week or two, of reduced weight, but what happens a month from now, a year from now and so on? That's why a program promoted in books like the 3 Day Diet might not be the smartest choices. These types of diets tend to mislead readers into thinking we can solve all our weight issues in a matter of days -- true weight loss is a long-term process.

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