Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Block the fat so you can eat anything...

It's amazing what some weight loss supplements claim to be capable of doing, such as blocking fat from being absorbed by the body and promoting up to 15 pounds of weight loss overnight. But we all know better, and we understand that successful weight loss takes time and effort (even though that's not the sexy answer). So we should all be equipped to make smart buying decisions when it comes to supplements.

Then there are supplements like the Alli diet pill, which claim to be capable of preventing the absorption of up to 25 percent of fats. This might lead some of us to envision eating fast food for breakfast, greasy burgers for lunch and a pizza pie for dinner, but not so fast -- there is little research at this point indicating that this product's ingredients can deliver as advertised.

On the contrary, reports indicate that users experience side effects ranging from explosive diarrhea to oily stools and anal leakage.

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