Monday, September 15, 2008

Sugar-coating stimulants: What's the deal here?

Hopefully you are making sure to keep up with the latest trends in the weight loss industry, considering there are new products hitting the market faster than you can say double bacon cheeseburger. This doesn't mean you have to bury yourself in dusty old books and conduct in-depth research at the library, but it does mean you might benefit from checking the review Web sites and official product Web sites online.

The Venom Diet Pill is a supplement that includes ingredients like Hoodia Gordonii, Guarana Seed Extract, L-Tyrosine and L-Carnitine. We're all familiar with Hoodia by now (unless you've been living under a rock!), but many dieters might not be familiar with Guarana. Guarana contains a stimulant called Guaranine, which when broken down is basically likened to Caffeine. Uh oh.

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