Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sounds good to be able to eat whatever we want

Those advertisers sure know how to get our attention with weight loss products. There are so many supplements, creams, etc. that claim to be capable of promoting fat loss -- even if we eat cheeseburgers, cheese steaks and pizza everyday. These types of products usually say that the formula contains ingredients that block or absorb the fat, which is not as effective as you might think.

The Alli Diet Pill may be considered one of the more popular supplements to advertise such fat-blocking benefits. It is supposed to let us block up 25 percent of dietary fats, which seems like a good deal. But the product might lead us to falsely believe that we don't have to reduce our caloric intake or exercise one bit. This promotes a sedentary lifestyle without any discipline, which is a formula for failure.

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