Monday, September 8, 2008

Care to help yourself with a book?

I think it might be safe to say that the self-help category of books is among the more popular and growing subjects in literature today. That might be because of the idea that we can somehow coerce ourselves psychologically to make everything right, although in the end we are asked to put in a lot of our fair share of work. Of course, nothing happens overnight, so if you're looking for the easy way out think again.

ICanMakeYouThin is a title authored by Paul McKenna, who is a prolific author in the self-help category. His other titles include I Can Mend Your Broken Heart, Sleep Like a Log and Instant Confidence; the author also has a television show aimed at "helping" others lose weight. But I'm not so sure about the author's claim that it's mind over matter all the time. Sure we need to have strong willpower to succeed, but there are specific steps we need to take to achieve lasting weight loss that might not be addressed in this book.

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