Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Be critical of topical weight loss formulas

I do believe that there are worthwhile topical weight loss agents on the market, but I also think that the majority of the products out there will not be effective. The reason for this is clearly because of the sub-standard formulas I've been seeing in most of the products for sale. The more conventional method of weight loss support might be oral supplementation, but if you insist on topical support make sure to check the formulas.

Cellulean is a topical gel that claims to promote a lot of fat loss in a relatively short time. Indeed, the company claims the product is "the most powerful liposuction alternative ever formulated for home use." But with ingredients like Yohimbe, Transcutol and Vitamins A and E, I'm not sure anyone will see the results they're hoping for. That's the danger of going with companies that hype their products up so much.

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